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Slow editing

Some people have e-mailed asking what's happening: Hamish has taken some well-deserved time off (his first actual break other than Christmas in the last twelve months). Meantime, we seem to have hit a couple of days when the volunteer editors all have been busy on other stuff, so comments editing etc has been a bit intermittent. This is likely to continue for the next few days, so, if your favorite remark doesn't appear for a while, it probably will come round eventually ...

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Hi David,

How many volunteer editors are there?

David: See here

Editorial Availability?

Dear Editors, I have almost worn out the refresh button on my keyboard checking and re-checking whether anyone's home at Webdiary.

Surely, at the top of the home page, some method of indicating when the site is active and when it's not (or some type of timetable) would assist  all contributors. It would help save a zillion keyboards to say nothing of the stomach ulcers that hours of anxious waiting  to see one's post creates. 

Can do?

David R: probably not at all simple, I suspect. The structure of the site and the software that runs it (Drupal) are opaque to me, but one of the key aspects of the security of the site (and the security of user information on it) is that only the top-level admin user can tell who is logged on at any one time. Thus the information as to whether one of the editors is on is (probably) not actually that easy to expose to the world. Plus, with most of us being on broadband, many people's logons actually persist for several days if not weeks, so the lights may be on, but nobody's home, as we might say ...

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