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Archive - Sep 24, 2005

Submitted by Jack H Smit on September 24, 2005 - 6:57am.
Launching Webdiary and Club Chaos in WA

"So when the mainstream media are failing to such an extend that they are no longer reporting the thinking and truths behind the facts behind the events, and when they on many occasions choose to completely ignore the reporting of even the events themselves, the landscape of reporting changes and the nature of journalism shifts as dramatically as it shifted when newspapers first came into circulation. ... Margo's move to Webdiary was in itself already something to take note of, and her separation and independence of Fairfax is something which I imagine will still be discussed in journalism courses in 50 years time, if we still run them in Australia." Jack H Smit

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Submitted by Dylan Kissane on September 24, 2005 - 5:02am.
Taking human rights and John Howard seriously

"The Human Rights Council of Australia acknowledges that the research that went in to the report was paid for out of the pockets of the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union (AMWU). This is the same AMWU whose leader has recently branded the Australian government authoritarian. This is the same AMWU who would seem to be unhappy with any government in recent history if their claim that contemporary capitalism restricts democratic rights is to be believed." Dylan Kissane

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Margo Kingston

Margo Kingston Photo © Elaine Campaner
