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Archive - Aug 30, 2005

Submitted by Russell Darroch on August 30, 2005 - 9:18pm.
M words: movies, metaphors, memories, margins, mandates, madness. moderation

When I was in high school our high school German teacher, Siegfried Ramler, who had been an interpreter at the Nuremburg trials got hold of films of the Holocaust and showed them to the student body. It was memorable alright; to this day I can still see portions of it playing in my head. His point, the world should never again have such terrible events and he wanted all of us to be aware of what a misguided leader can do to his own people and other people. It has stayed with me since the moment I saw it along with the lesson that the danger can come from anywhere, but particularly from within one's own society, as happened to Germany of the 1930s and 1940s.

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Submitted by Margo Kingston on August 30, 2005 - 5:29am.
I wish to inform everyone...

"I understand that Fairfax has received a number of complaints from people who contributed to my former WebDiary on the Fairfax website. Those complaints relate to an email sent to those contributors directing them to my new Webdiary. I wish to inform everyone that Fairfax was not responsible for sending those emails, which were sent on my behalf solely for information purposes." Margo Kingston

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Submitted by Polly Bush on August 30, 2005 - 1:28am.
Coming to terms with the calamity

"Excewz moy, but as a Fusheries Offica, I thenk ewe hev too mini mini cockles in that fushin’ vissal. Yes, indeed our lives changed when two passenger planes were hijacked and driven into the World Trade Center towers in 2001. But did any of us envisage that this new interest in 'border security' would lead to an explosion in so-called “reality” television shows?" Polly Bush

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Margo Kingston

Margo Kingston Photo © Elaine Campaner
