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Archive - Aug 20, 2005

Submitted by Margo Kingston on August 20, 2005 - 3:55am.
Barnaby to Queensland Nats: "You must go forth and talk to your people."

"This issue has an iconic substance about it that really means that the ramifications of my decision affects my whole party, the party that I represent. Whether it goes forward. Whether it survives or not. And to be completely frank, if the National Party was not to survive, the Australian political environment would become a very much poorer place. It would become very bipolar. You'd really only need four people in the chamber and everyone else could go home. We have to make sure we get this right, not just for Queensland, not just for the future of the National Party, but for the future of a broader view in the political scene in Australia's future."...

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Submitted by Stuart Lord on August 20, 2005 - 1:44am.
Abortion – the moral chasm?

"I am not an abortion debate expert, I haven’t talked to 500,000 people about this issue in a clinical study. I do not know how prevalent these views are among the pro-choice crowd, nor do I claim that I am covering everything in this article. I would appreciate your input into the debate, so long as it is both rational and keeping to a general standard of respect for both sides of this debate – including both the people and their views. You can disagree, passionately, or agree vehemently, but civility will be prized, while ad hominem will not." Stuart Lord

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Margo Kingston

Margo Kingston Photo © Elaine Campaner

