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Archive - Dec 13, 2005

Submitted by Chris Saliba on December 13, 2005 - 10:15pm.
Frank Hardy: Politics, Literature, Life, by Jenny Hocking

"Power Without Glory is an odd novel, in that it was actually commissioned by the Communist Party. Hardy was provided financial backing by the Party for four years; he also had a swag of party members act as researchers. The novel in a lot of ways reads like blockbuster fiction, yet doesn’t really have a plot, rather it piles political intrigue upon political intrigue, until you feel quite sick at the canker in the democratic bud. This was pretty much Hardy’s goal: a book aimed at moral improvement, not so much of the reader, but of the current political culture." Chris Saliba

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Submitted by admin on December 13, 2005 - 4:32pm.
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Submitted by Craig Rowley on December 13, 2005 - 4:45am.
Show us your true colours: An adventure into the sea of Australian humanity

"Last week I set sail on this journey of a lifetime, an adventure into the sea of Australian humanity. My sights are set on discovering its true colours.  I see our island nation, Australia, my country of birth and that of my family lines running back near two hundred years, now culturally and linguistically diverse. At minimum one in five of the people on our island today were born overseas, and another had at least one parent born overseas. You can see it and you can hear it. Between us we speak nearly 200 different languages. It's a treasure, the wealth of opportunity that comes with diversity and you don't even need to search hard to find how enriched we all could be. You just have to open your eyes, your ears, your mind." Craig Rowley

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Margo Kingston

Margo Kingston Photo © Elaine Campaner
