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Archive - Dec 12, 2005

Submitted by Wayne Sanderson on December 12, 2005 - 11:43pm.
The Daily Briefing 12/12/05

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Submitted by Bryan Law on December 12, 2005 - 9:50pm.
The bush track to Pine Gap

"After two vehicles had gone Adele and I made the last 100 meter dash through the open floodlit area to the outer security fence. As Adele hung our banner – WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? YOUR BROTHER’S BLOOD CRIES OUT TO ME FROM THE EARTH (Genesis 4:10) - on the fence, I placed Jessica’s beautiful barbed wire crucifix against the fence. Then I cut through the fence. We climbed through and I cut the second fence about ten meters away. Again we climbed through and realised all the power of the greatest empire in history could not stop two untrained, unfunded, unarmed Christian pacifists from entering one of their most important and secure bases - even after we had told them we were coming." Jim Dowling.

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Submitted by admin on December 12, 2005 - 9:26pm.
How to Donate

Since becoming independent, many Webdiarists have asked: how can we help - you must need money?

Yes we do and you can help. As we develop plans for the site in its new, post-Margo, incarnation, we will tell you how the money is being spent.

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Submitted by admin on December 12, 2005 - 9:13pm.
Advertise on Webdiary

Webdiary will accept any advertisement that fits within Webdiary ethics – ie essentially does not offend, abuse, incite, defame or otherwise have legal problems. You can either submit adverts with your own artwork, or we can get ads designed for you within reasonable parameters.

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Submitted by DrMarkHayes on December 12, 2005 - 1:20am.
What's Going on in Tonga?

"While I describe what's happening in Tonga as a 'revolution', with faint echoes to European revolutions of the late 1700s and into the 1800s, there's no indication whatsoever of Tonga going down that bloody route. Nor is there any indication of Tonga lurching into a 'fragile' or 'failing' state scenario, such as Fiji in 2000, or, worse, The Solomon Islands that same year. It's nowhere near a 'ruined' or 'plundered state' situation, such as PNG arguably has become..." Dr Mark Hayes.

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Submitted by Kerri Browne on December 12, 2005 - 12:43am.
Your key to our new Webdiary home

The Webdiary Community is moving to its new home next week on the 14th. Until then the new site is off-limits, out of bounds: the paint's still wet. We want to welcome everybody when the front gates open on Wednesday but you'll need your own door key. This post is a heads-up on how to get it. The address will be www.webdiary.com.au.

Anyone will be able read articles and comments at Webdiary's new home. But to take advantage of the improved features on the new software, including to post a comment, you will need to register and login. As always, registration is free and you'll only need to do it once.

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Margo Kingston

Margo Kingston Photo © Elaine Campaner
