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Archive - Jun 19, 2005

Submitted by Phil Uebergang on June 19, 2005 - 2:06pm.
The origin of the species: final statements

‘Did the universe and life evolve, or was it specially created in six days?’ Here are the third and final arguments in the debate on origins.

Submitted by PF Journey on June 19, 2005 - 2:04pm.
String Theory and the art of noodling

"My godfather, Creation-v-Evolution debate is heavy going, arduous and torturous at times. I never realised there are so many Webdiarists going for a PhD. So in desperation and frustration, I am putting up my own “String Theory” for my fellow Webdiarists, namely about my favourite food, the NOODLES, and how to cook them. I declare the Club Chaos Kitchen open. Bon appetit." PF Journey's guide on what to eat between bouts of debating Creation versus Evolution

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Submitted by Stephen Smith on June 19, 2005 - 10:00am.
Wake in Fright

"An end to the hard line on asylum seekers is not yet to take them into our hearts and out of the arena of political point scoring. Like racing on a tight stretch of desert road we have seen the PM playing ‘chicken’ with the Georgiou gang of rebels. He dared them to blink and swerve to avoid a collision. But outside of this drama he is running from a debate in Parliament. He may swerve but we must not let him escape the need for a Royal Commission into the whole immigration mess." Stephen Smith

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Margo Kingston

Margo Kingston Photo © Elaine Campaner
