In a comment a few days ago, I mentioned Mark Lynas' article in the Guardian titled "Climate chaos is inevitable. We can only avert oblivion." That article refers to a new report from the Stockholm Institute, which builds scenarios for climate change based not on technical possibilities, but instead on political possibilities. Even though we have the technological capability to avoid "dangerous climate change" if the will is there, what is the chance that the actions necessary will actually be implemented. Here's their rather oddly worded Press Release on the report:
Carbon Scenarios: Blue Sky Thinking for a Green Future
The Stockholm Network’s Carbon Scenarios – known as Kyoto Plus, Agree & Ignore and Step Change – describe 3 plausible futures resulting from 3 different approaches to climate policy at the international level. More specifically, they examine the various climatic, economic and social costs – and consequences – of international policy. Worryingly, none of the scenarios provides a policy which achieves climate ‘success’ as defined by the UK, EU and UN (a greater than 90% chance of no more than 2°C warming above preindustrial levels). Only one, Step Change, even meets the weaker definition of success of a greater than 90% chance of no more than 3°C warming above preindustrial levels that some in the UK and EU are now considering adopting in recognition of the fact that the 2 degree goal has already been missed. This should provide serious food for thought for environmental policymakers.
Summaries of the 3 scenarios follow:
- This scenario presents one way of achieving a significant level of climate change mitigation, but still falls short of the current UK, EU and UN target.
- It envisages a gradual process of cooperation, leading to a global cap on CO2 emissions by 2012.
- Global average temperature has a greater than 90% chance of rising by no more than 3.15°C above preindustrial levels by 2100, and the global economy continues to grow, having successfully absorbed the costs.
- However, longterm temperature may rise further beyond the threshold of ‘success’ and the cost and complexity of administering a global emissions trading system remains a longterm drag on growth.
- This scenario examines the stages at which the positive momentum described above can stall and backslide, leading to competitive regionalism.
- Global average temperature has a greater than 90% chance of rising by no more than 4.8°C above preindustrial levels by 2100, leading to a significant likelihood of substantial climate change to 2100 onwards. Moreover, while the initial costs of the global cap are not borne, regional schemes are less efficient.
- Additional costs come from intensifying regional economic competition, including the use of carbon tariffs, and the very sizeable direct economic costs of a changing climate. Concerns about the economy in the short term lead to shortsighted decisions that substantially constrain growth in the long term and lead to serious direct human costs of climate change.
- This scenario looks at the possibility that policy may take a radically different course in response to a step change in concern about climate change, which leads to the adoption of an entirely new policy framework – a global production cap.
- This scenario shows the least climate change, with global average temperature having a greater than 90% chance of rising by no more than 2.85°C above preindustrial levels by 2100. As such, it is the only scenario that avoids crossing the 3°C threshold.
- Initial costs are higher than in the other two scenarios, but the global economy sees the highest overall longterm growth due to the efficiency of the scheme, showing that a marketoriented system that focuses on the efficient allocation of carbon rather than a smorgasbord of specific sectoral policies offers the best chance of both avoiding severe climate change and maintaining economic growth while cutting emissions.
We invite readers to draw their own conclusions and use these scenarios as the basis for their own analysis. However, 3 lessons that stand out for us as critical for successfully addressing climate change are as follows:
The failure to achieve ‘success’ as defined by the UK, EU and UN: None of our scenarios has a greater than 90% chance of not going above the 2°C ceiling currently seen as the basis for climate ‘success.’ Policymakers must think seriously about adaptation to climate change now, as some degree of adaptation will be necessary, regardless of the scenario. While none of the scenarios meet the 2°C target, only Step Change meets the weaker 3°C target. The horse has bolted, but scope remains to contain the greatest damage via innovative and efficient policy.
The risks in the UNFCCC process: The current thrust of policy, although it may lead to significant climate change mitigation, is fraught with possibilities for backsliding, delay and inefficiency, as it relies on all the world’s countries moving forward slowly together. While this does not mean that this process cannot bring about significant climate change mitigation, it does mean that there are great policy risks involved.
The importance of wealth transfer: Although the developed world is responsible for the bulk of past carbon emissions, the bulk of future emissions will come from the developing world, especially its most dynamic economies. It is therefore crucial that the developing world is assisted with obtaining clean technologies. Furthermore, as at least in the short term, the bulk of the costs of a changing climate will fall on developing countries, financial assistance must be provided for allowing adequate adaptation.
Notes to Editors: The Stockholm Network is the leading panEuropean think tank and marketoriented network. It conducts research in the fields of energy & environment, health & welfare, intellectual property & competition, and offers a unique network of 130 + marketoriented think tanks across Europe.
Using emissions modelling done by the Stockholm Network on the basis of IEA Reference and Alternative Policy Scenario emissions models, the Met Office Hadley Centre used a simple climate model to project likely temperature rises to 2100 for all three scenarios. It is important to note that the emissions modelling was done by the Stockholm Network. The Met Office Hadley Centre's role was to convert the emissions into climate scenarios. The Met Office does not prefer any particular scenario or advocate any particular set of future emissions.
The scenario descriptions in the main report give a lot more detail, which gives us the chance to make some conclusions on the likelihood of their coming to pass.
All three scenarios make the giant assumption that the post-Kyoto process which began in Bali concludes in Copenhagen in 2009 with a global agreement on targets for reducing emissions from 2012 on, including China and the USA. If this doesn't come to pass, then the Agree & Ignore scenario probably represents the best outcome we can hope for.
The Kyoto Plus scenario assumes that the incoming US President moves quickly to implement a cap-and-trade scheme within the US and backs a global scheme; China and South Korea join in in 2013; and in 2015 there is global agreement on measuring and controlling emissions; although there are holdouts, generally the major emitters stay on board through the next twenty years.
The Agree & Ignore scenario basically assumes that many countries do not accept the provisional targets and there is considerable backsliding. Worth quoting some details:
The opponent in the 2012 Presidential election argues that the US must not yield sovereignty to an international body and must keep climate change policy implementation at home. In the course of a bitterly fought contest, the President narrowly loses the election.
After the global cap comes into force at the end of 2012, a number of problems start to emerge.There are cases of continued foot-dragging by certain governments, which fail to meaningfully implement their national carbon cap and continue to insist on overly large allowances.The argument most often put forward is that, despite the need to deal with climate change, for many developing countries economic growth still takes priority. Many countries thus avoid the cap and do not force their industries to accept carbon pricing. South Korea, for example, is unwilling to accept a national cap despite being near the top of the developing country ladder.
As a result, parties that intend to stick to their targets, such as the EU, increasingly face substantial domestic lobbying pressures from business, which is seeking some compensation for increased costs and lost international competitiveness. Business is sceptical that the international agreement will be enacted in a meaningful way and decides to focus on lobbying at the regional level.
Developing countries are still negotiating as a bloc and are unable to agree with the developed countries on the proportional distribution of the incoming revenue. The developed bloc remains reluctant to commit to making large wealth transfers to the developing world, particularly on an ongoing basis. Increasingly, developing countries read this delay in sorting out wealth transfer, particularly adaptation provisions, as evidence of the developed world’s unwillingness to help them to reduce their carbon emissions and to adapt to climate change. As redistribution fails to materialise, developing countries – especially the major emitters, flounder and fail to actively pursue the policies that are necessary for tackling climate change, blaming their lack of progress on the absence of a wealth transfer from the developed world.
All sounds terribly plausible.
The Step Change scenario assumes the intervention of chance: there are major climate disasters in 2010 and 2011 in both the USA and China, leading to popular pressure to do something drastic. That something is agreement on a global cap on the production of fossil fuels - oil, gas, and coal - with the market left to find the (much higher) price that will force consumption down to meet the emissions-reduction targets. Or essentially the exact opposite of current global political leaders' statements.
The Press Release wording is also somewhat opaque on the predicted outcomes: the desire to compare with the EU/UN targets leaves us with the horrible construction "greater than 90% chance of not going above ...", which tells us what we have a good chance of avoiding in each scenario, but doesn't tell us what is most likely. The full report has the graph below that we need to make that conclusion.
So, the lowest scenario (the deeply implausible production cap Step Change) still has a 50% chance of exceeding a 2°C rise, the "all goes as well as could be hoped in Copenhagen and thereafter" Kyoto Plus scenario has a 50% chance of exceeding 2.5°C and a 20% chance of exceeding 3°C, while the most likely scenario (Agree & Ignore) has a 50% chance of exceeding 4°C. We can assume that any scenario where the post-Kyoto talks collapse is at or above this level.
Now is a good time to remind ourselves of what this means for Australia, referring back to "How warm will Warming be?". The essentially unavoidable 2°C rise means:
- sub-tropical rain-bearing wind and weather systems will move further from the equator, meaning that drought events like those of the last few years will become more frequent and more prolonged: agricultural yields in the Murray-Darling will drop dramatically;
- about half of Queensland's Wet Tropics will die, along with a large proportion of the species in them; the Great Barrier Reef will bleach, bleach again, die and then dissolve as the oceans absorb carbon dioxide and become more acidic;
- cyclones will range further south and the combination of higher sea levels and consequent storm surges will wash away many coastal areas built on sand; bye-bye Noosa and Surfers
- at two degrees or above, the Greenland ice shelf will melt: it may take centuries, but a 6-metre or so sea-level rise is coming sooner or later.
Predictions for Australia with a 3°C rise:
- days above 35°C in NSW could increase 2- to 7-fold by 2070, while rainfall drops by 25%
- in northern Victoria, rainfall will drop by up to 40%
- the Murray-Darling basin will lose between a quarter and half its flow.
There is also the possibility of El Nino events that go on for decades or even the whole century.
"The combination of fire, heat and drought will make life in Australia increasingly untenable as the world warms. Farming and food production will tip into irreversible decline. Salt water will creep up the stricken river systems, poisoning groundwater supplies. Higher temperatures mean greater evaporation, further drying out vegetation and soils, and leading to huge losses from dwindling reservoirs stored behind dams.
At the very least, these changes mean big disruptions in everyday life for the average Australian, major economic losses and strict rationing of water. At worst, they may lead to population movements out of areas with too little water, and towards Tasmania and the northern tropical region whose rainfall remains more reliable. Life may simply not be possible in much of the interior as temperatures reach scorching new highs."
So that's the 3°C world - even the Kyoto Plus scenario probably gets us closer to this than to the 2°C rise: and as for the 4°C rise of the most likely political outcomes.
" none of the continent of Australia - except perhaps the extreme north and Tasmania - will be able to support significant crop production in the four-degree world because of heatwaves and declining rainfall."
For completeness, we should just remind ourselves that Agree & Ignore has a 10% chance of reaching the 5°C rise world - in Mark Lynas' words:
"With five degrees of global warming, an entirely new planet comes into being - one largely unrecognisable from the earth we know today. The remaining ice sheets are eventually eliminated from both poles. Rainforests have already burned up and disappeared. Rising sea levels have already inundated coastal cities and are beginning to penetrate far inland into continental interiors. Humans are herded into shrinking zones of habitability by the twin crises of drought and flood. Inland areas see temperatures ten or more degrees higher than now."
"I find it difficult to avoid the conclusion that millions, and later billions, of people will die in such a scenario."
We already know that our new not-so-shiny government thinks that it is more important to fund a tax cut for working families than it is to act to prevent this happening. It has shown itself firmly in the Agree & Ignore camp rather than Kyoto Plus.
We can hope for better: but hope is not a plan.
Bullshit coming home to bite Rudd big time now
"The Nielsen poll published in the Fairfax press today shows that nearly 80 per cent of voters want government intervention to bring down fuel prices, but the majority want a cut in the fuel excise as advocated by the Opposition."
Wait till the Carbon Emissions tax ad another 20 cents a litre...
And as ever, the Greens are in ga-ga land...
"Greens Senator Christine Milne says the poll shows that people are unhappy with the way both sides of politics are handling fuel prices."
I'm so sure they'd all prefer the Green's approach.
Time to go Churchillian call for "blood, toil, tears and sweat."
Barry Cohen is right, surely it was a sign of success that the solar subsidy was over subscribed. Peter Garrett has been made to look stupid. Kevin Rudd's government is full of contradictions. It seems our leaders do not have the political courage to make the tough decisions.
Malcolm B Duncan: has the idea, the only way to survive the next decade or two is to party. Sadly we don't have a Churchill in the wings.F**** Cat
Oh, asleep was I, Ian McDougall? If only.
Being terribly serious about this, the only possible things we in Australia could do are:
Ban coal exports;
Decommision all coal fired power stations;
Go solar;
Yet remain a net energy exporter through solar energy storage and transmission.
Where, my friend (and I mean that sincerely) do we get the will, the political motivation or the ability to restructure our economy to accommodate it?
The Club of Rome was predicting gloom and doom when I was at school. If they were right, we're stuffed anyway. If they and their current fellow travellers were wrong .... Well, either way, comrade, there'll be enough malt to see you and me out.
Explosive stuff
Time for some of the old mantras to be revived.
1) The heat and energy input from human action, including explosives, is utterly negligible compared to the 300+watt/sq.m. the Sun pours in to the earth every hour of every day. The mechanism for human change is via CO2, methane, and other greenhouse gases.
2) greenhouse gases do what it says on the tin: they let UV energy in and hold in the reradiated IR, increasing the amount of energy retained inside. The huge amount of energy pouring in means that small changes in atmospheric mix still impact on the energy retention. Basic, basic science: GHGs absolutely increase the Earth's temperature, the only debate is about how much they do it.
3) the world is warming: even if it isn't our fault yet, the basic science of GHGs means that we will add to that warming if we go on as we are, and could mitigate that warming if we reduce them. If we don't act, it will be warmer than it otherwise would have been. Given the notes on the impact of higher temperatures I repeated above, shaving a few tenths of a degree off the outcome would still be worth doing. If you think, as every scientist on the planet who knows what they're talking about does, that we're causing most of the warming, then we could do better than that.
4) the GHGs persist in the atmosphere for up to hundreds of years, and the greenhouse effects act over long periods. The stuff we put in the atmosphere now will still be warming us further forty years from now. If we shift to the Step Change ten years later, because we don't get any helpful massive disasters early enough, then we're still committed to the higher temperatures willy-nilly.
5) partying while the Club of Rome burns is still capable of raising the temperatures even more than the 4.8degC of Agree & Ignore - remember that even that scenario assumes basic global agreement on the need for action ...
Why not join me for a malt or two down at the Club of Rome?
Malcolm: Some of the Titanic's passengers, when catapulted by fate into the freezing waters of the North Atlantic, no doubt wished they had stayed on board, broken open the grog supply, and had one final and furious bacchanal.
It's interesting that you mentioned the Club of Rome. It is still going, and when I last heard Australia's own Keith Suter was a member of it. (Membership I understand is still very exclusive.) About 10 years ago he said this:
The Club of Rome's thesis as set out in Limits to Growth (1972) was updated in its Second Report, of 1974. The basic thesis that economic growth will be constrained by finite resource supply is probably being best verified by the current oil supply situation, as energy cost affects the price of everything. Ultimately, those reports are based on a fundamental law of physics: the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which in the immortal 1856 formulation of Rudolf Clausius says simply that "the entropy of the universe tends to a maximum", or in other words, that the universe is running down. Relating to the crust of the Earth, we see that the most highly concentrated ores are mined first, then the lesser ones and so on. Overall, the distribution of elements is being made more even by human activity.
Carbon constraints due to the finite capacity of the natural systems' abilities to deal with our waste CO2 were not even considered in the Club's initial report as far as I can recall, but with hindsight, they should have been.
If "climate change" as broadly touted actually exists, and, as I have said before, apart from the ozone evidence I am not convinced by any science that there is a direct correlation with human intervention through fossil fuels (althogh I am wondering a bit about the explosives we have been detonating over the past 150 years) the clear answer to the topic on this thread is "No."
Goodnight. Don't bother switching out the lights.
While Malcolm is sleeping
While Malcolm is asleep (and please do not disturb) I might add that if and when the governments that are in a position to control the major world markets get serious about doing something serious to reduce atmospheric CO2, the temptation to reintroduce tarriffs and other high trade barriers to block the trade of countries rich or poor that are major polluters and are seen to do too little about it can only rise.
Australia is likely to be on the wrong side of the gate if this comes to pass, or more likely, when.
Carbon tariff barriers
Hi, Ian
It is indeed a fundamental part of the Agree & Ignore scenario that those who are implementing Cap and Trade systems impose import tariffs on goods from those who don't in order to equalise the carbon cost content of prices. It is one of the reasons why economic growth in the Agree & Ignore scenario is thought to be actually lower than in the Kyoto Plus scenario.
Ferguson's hope for coal
The Prime Minister and the Minister for Resources and Energy, Martin Ferguson, have bet a lot of taxpayers' money on the future of 'clean coal'. Ferguson is quoted as having said:
I am in process of writing a threadstarter on CCS, even as we blog. Two aspects have particular relevance to this thread:
(1) The strategy for the government subsidised private coal CCS program appears to me to be to enable the top coal exporters to both sell the coal and make the Australian taxpayer funded CCS technology available free or at a discount to their customers. CCS has had its setbacks, and it still has an awful long way to go to achieving the goals of its proponents. (Not the least of its problems, I have discovered, is a shortage of drilling equipment for sinking the necessary boreholes. The drills are in high demand and at a premium for getting the maximum remaining yield from the oilfields, and continuing the forlorn search for more.)
(2) Yet Australian coal producers will find themselves under carbon trading and emission strictures to be in the position depicted by Sheikh Yamani in the 1973 oil crisis. He knows his law of supply and demand, that sheikh, and he said at the time that deliberately constrained production in the OPEC fields did not affect overall revenue, because as production decreased, the price per barrel increased to match it. There are some processes for which there is no easy substitute for coal available at the moment, and the reduction of iron ore to iron is one of them.
So, even if CCS proves to be only of limited value for reducing atmospheric CO2, as I expect to be the case, a reduction in coal production coupled with a steep rise in the price of it per tonne might cushion the impact of climate change somewhat as far as the Australian economy is concerned.
Ferguson has not to my knowledge said as much, but I doubt he has not realised it one way or another.