Site statistics
Site traffic is around the same level as June, which represents a reduction in daily traffic: most business days we get around 1150 visitors. We published 26 new articles in July, up from 24 in June, and 763 comments, down from 1129 in June. We didn’t publish 19 abusive, content-free or incomprehensible comments, and 7 under the 5-post rule: total intended for publication and not published 26/791=3.3%.
Income in June was $262.21 in total (since we just missed the US$100 threshold in June, there was no payout from Google, but will be added to next month's payout), versus expenditure of $782.87 - the latter including the annual $212 company review fees for ASIC, which will not recur until this time next year - it was that payout which recently shortened the "funds in hand to ..." date.
Hang in there.
Hang in there guys, Margo will be proud of you.
After today's poll it looks as though you are going to last longer than Kim Beazley.