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by John Thornton (not verified) on January 1, 1970 - 9:59am
Is it true that the ACT Chief Minister, Jon Stanhope, was threatened with legal action if he released the latest draft of Howard's Terror Laws? If it is true it is disgusting and should have been the lead in all forms of media. If people wanted to see why these vile laws should be given short shrift then this would be as good a reason as any. ed Kerri: I have just visited Jon Stanhope's website - www.chiefminister.act.gov.au/ to check it for updates and it has been hacked.
by Kerri Browne (not verified) on January 1, 1970 - 9:59am
For Webdiarists in Darwin:
Are we crossing the line? Darwin forum on national security laws and human rights. The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, in conjunction with the Law Society NT, is holding a free public forum in Darwin on Thursday, 3 November 2005 to discuss national security laws and human rights. FORUM DETAILS: TIME: 12.30pm VENUE: Law Society NT, Level 1, Paspalis Centrepoint, 48-50 Smith St Mall, Darwin Chair: Allison Robertson, President, NT Law Society Speaker: John von Doussa QC, President, Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Admission is free and open to the general public, however bookings are essential as numbers are limited. Phone: (08) 8981 5104 or email
by Bob Wall (not verified) on January 1, 1970 - 9:59am
Here is Justin Raimondo's latest Earth to Bush: Ditch Cheney:
We now know that Plame-Wilson's highly sensitive CIA work was confirmed to Libby by Cheney, and that after a discussion aboard Air Force Two, the vice president's consigliere went out and did a job on her and her husband. As I said before the indictment came out: "All roads lead directly to Dick Cheney," and, as we can see, the distancing of the White House from the Office of the Vice President has already begun. This split can only deepen as the days go by and Fitzgerald closes in on his quarry. All Saturday Matt Drudge was running a big headline about how Bush wants a "fresh start." He can have one – if only he'll ditch Cheney. Then, as the Clintonistas would say, we can all "move on." He's coming for Cheney. Will Bush get smart, follow through on his pledge to cooperate with what he described as Fitzgerald's "very dignified" investigation – and throw the vice president overboard? And what, I wonder, is Karl Rove telling him to do? As I have been saying for two years: get out the chips-and-dip, start popping that popcorn, and pull up a chair. This is going to be more fun than even I had anticipated…
Indeed it will be, courtesy of the quiet, modest and determined Patrick Fitzgerald, described in the article thus:
... our Lech Walesa, our cautious yet implacable liberator who, the more he denies his role, the more he affirms it.
by Bryan Law (not verified) on January 1, 1970 - 9:59am
I got this on Wednesday afternoon from a colleague of mine in the Australian nonviolence network. I’ve been too busy planning tomorrow’s action to reformat it for Webdiary, so here it is now. URGENT ACTION ALERT: UPDATE Wed 14 Sept 2005 *** please send widely *** The rapid and widespread response to the detention of US peace and global justice activist, Scott Parkin, has been heartening and effective on many levels. Actions have taken place in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Cairns and outside several Australian Consulates in the United States. Actions yesterday in Melbourne successfully shut down even more ANZ bank branches in protest of ANZ's Iraq war-profiteering. Rory Gutterson, Melbourne activist and friend of Scott Parkin said, “This action demonstrates that activists will continue to target corporations involved in the occupation. The treatment that Scott has received is indicative of the kind of powers the government is trying to exercise against those who oppose the occupation under the guise of the ‘war on terror’." Other acts of political defiance have included dozens of activists 'handing themselves in' for immediate deportation at AFP headquaters and DIMA offices in solidarity with Scott. Maureen, one of Scott's closest friends and colleagues in the US writes: "The concern and overwhelming support from Australia for Scott Parkin has been amazing. I have known Scott for years and am privileged to count him among one of my best friends, to have lived with him and to have organized many an action both big and small. Nothing comforts me more than knowing there is such a strong support system for him in Australia while he endures this violation." The media response overall has been largely critical of the detention and deportation of a peace activist and has ensured that the Attorney General Phillip Ruddock has been forced to minimise, deny or justify the actions of ASIO and the Australian Federal Police. Editorials in the Australian and The Age newspapers today have also been largely critical of the threatened deportation. Radio talk back and online feedback sites have been busy and largely supportive of Scott's case. The issue has received extensive international coverage as well. The combined effect of our protests so far has been to: 1) raise the political cost of ASIO's actions; 2) clearly expose the dangers inherent in the new AFP and ASIO control orders and preventative detention measures to the wider community; and increase public dissent to widening anti terrorism measures in general; 3) create a public focus on the role of Halibuton in the occupation of Iraq, nonviolence and peace activism in general; 3) maintain solidarity and support for Scott - he knows what we are doing; 4) demonstrate how networks of activists, NGO'S, progressive lawyers and politicians can (and will) operate quickly in defence of an imprisoned activist. All this aims to undermine the government's position against Scott and hopefully, may deter the Australian security forces and government from doing something simillar in the near future. (This is yet to be seen! ). WHERE TO NOW?: It remains important to continue the strong community protest at this hideous act of political suppression. As we are aware, Scott is an articulate white, peace activist and he is being targeted because of his nonviolent political activities. Any solidarity with Scott needs to also enhance the safety of more marginalised and threatened activists and communities who are even more targeted in today's Australia. Scott's campaigning approach follows the People Power Strategy which is gaining much currency within the US anti-war movement. He works for Houston Global Awareness which is waging a highly effective strategic campaign against Halliburton's role as a key pillar in the US occupation of Iraq. We actually believe that it is the growing political effectiveness of this grassroots nonviolent strategy and the fear Scott was 'exporting' it to Australia which has so concerned the US and Australian intelligence services and that has led to Scott's arrest. The tactic of demonising and marginalising activists by smears and claiming violence is common. Australia's Attorney-General, Phillip Ruddock, has been claiming that Scott Parkin has been engaged in "inciting political violence" in his trainings. It is vital that we continue to strongly rebuke this. As background: Scott Parkin is high profile peace and global justice activist. He has spoken at numerous large public forums and events whilst in Australia including the Brisbane Social Forum and the Sydney Social Forum in August. He was contacted by ASIO (Australian Security Intelligence Organisation) last week and had been asked to 'come in for an interview' which Scott rightfully declined. Scott participated in a nonviolent street theatre action outside US corporation Halliburton's headquarters in Sydney during protests against the Forbes meeting on August 31st. He has written widely for numerous magazines and spoken publicly about corporate globalisation and Halliburton's role in Iraq over many years. More background is available at here. ACTION YOU CAN TAKE: It is important that we maintain strong protests and continue to rebut government attempts to demonise Scott and his politics by claims that Scott is involved in "inciting politically motivated violence". We need to continualy assert Scott's humanity and nonviolent political activism. Some major points that can be made to media, radio talk back, online and to your local senator or member of parliment are: Scott Parkin has not been charged with any offense nor has he committed any crimes whilst in Australia. Nor has he breached any conditions on his visa; He has not been paid for any trainings or presentations whilst here; Scott is committed to nonviolence and has a long history of such activism; besides that he is a nice guy! Scott has a basic right to organise and participate in protest; As do we all! Neither "spirited protest" and "encouraging spirited protest" is illegal Claims that he incites political violence as utterly without foundation. This ultimately effects us all. If you have not already, please contact you local member of Parliament and/or Federal Senator to express your concerns about this action as soon as possible. Any organisational, union and high-level protests is particularly important. To make things more bearable for Scott while he is inside, please, please send him an e-mail of support We will print and hand deliver as many as we can to Scott or send them to him when he arrives back in the States. MEDIA: For media questions or comment, contact Paul Sheridan 0410 516 656 (for Thursday 15th) Dan Cass on 0408 468 488 or Andrea Buffa in the United Sates. PROTEST and DIRECT ACTIONS: Some are still being planned and there may be actions if and when Scott is taken for deportation. Contact your local activists groups and monitor your state's indymedia site for updates , announcements and reports . from: Anthony Kelly Pt'chang Nonviolent Community Safety Group
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Margo Kingston Photo © Elaine Campaner

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