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The worst recipe ever

By Fiona Reynolds
Created 15/08/2009 - 21:41

For a few (few = three +) years some Webdiarists (some = three +) have been asking for a Cooks’ Corner (or should that be Korner?). Eh bien, it’s the weekend, and I’ve spent the last three months (with a bit of time out for good behaviour – erm, winter hols) at a school (collecting data). One of the things that happens in a school staffroom, over those snatched moments of passion morning tea / lunch is that recipes are sometimes discussed (and/or disgusted).

Having shared some of my favourites with some of my favourite teachers, I thought this might be a good opportunity for Webdiarists to do the same. An appropriate starting-point thrust itself at me a few weeks ago – with the disclosure of Elizabeth David’s (the older and more discerning gourmet’s goddess) worst recipe ever [1]:

Do not try this at home
Italian salad
1 pint cold cooked macaroni
½ pint cooked or tinned pears
½ pint grated raw carrot
French dressing to moisten
2 heaped tablespoons minced onion
½ pint cooked or minced string beans

Mix the chopped macaroni and vegetables; moisten with French dressing, flavouring with garlic if liked. Serve on a dish lined with lettuce leaves. Decorate with mayonnaise and minced pimento or chives.

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