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The Release Of David Hicks

How will it feel, under Adelaide's sky?
A free man again, six years have gone by
since they stole you and locked you away in a cell
Torture and questions, and a daily hell

Welcome home, David Hicks, and may you forgive
those who deprived you of the rights that we have
No fair trial for you, just political plans
Cheney has washed you from Johnny Howard's hands

Today they've released you back into the wild
in the town of your birth, where you grew as a child
Don't expect handshakes and a friendly G'day
Many will just turn their faces away

A fox before newshounds, you'll run to no avail
The eyes of the world are in cameras that tail
each move that you make for a picture to sell
If you tell them your story, you're back in a cell

It's going to be warm in Adelaide today
Not as hot as your prison in Guantanemo Bay.
or the hell we've sent our own souls to
for everything we've done to you.

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Goodness gracious me ...

… I nearly forgot.

Eliot, would you be so kind as to provide us with a link for Simone de Beauvoir’s status as a Nazi collaborator, please?

Or – and here I am really interested – does publication and/or broadcasting suffice for you to deliver your judgment?

Dear dear, and I thought your expertise was in the field of health, not law.

But of course, you are also an autodidact (thanks, Jean-Paul, for introducing me to that word when I was fifteen) in economics, and world history, and …

Another thing, Eliot, given your well-known admiration of everything slightly to the left of Mr Howard, I am surprised that you don’t seem to be disappointed that Simone and Jean Paul weren’t put up against a wall or two and shot…

Just keeping a stiff upper lip, are we?

How to get through Boxing Day

Dr Woodforde OAM: "How many Australians were killed fighting the neoCons' favourite foe, les TellyTubbies, while David Hicks was guarding his burned out tank?"

See Simone de Beauvoir's suggestion regarding this, below.


Lizzie See Simone de Beauvoir's suggestion regarding this, below.

Her number in Kabul just keeps ringing out - she must be out @#$%^&* the Waffen SS, or a mob of the UAP Jugend, my darling little anti-fascist truck driver for the Empire.

Have you got her mobile?

Dr Sir Ali bin Saxe Coberg Gotha Woodforde, OAM

Your In A Muddle Eliot

Us Hick's "apologists" are merely pointing out the inconsistencies perpetuated by the Hick's Haters.

You cannot have it both ways mate. You appear to fully support the process by which Hicks was convicted-or rather confessed under a deal which would see him out of jail in 9 months after being banged up for nearly 6 years ( I'd be saying yes as well) but just won't accept the outcome.

It's over now and cannot be re-done. Hicks cannot get back his time, nor can you be demanding he do something extra-like apologise. Writing something in a letter means as much as writing it on here. Perhaps it's true , perhaps it's not.

As for Australians being killed in Afghanistan-they have a choice don't they ?. They can refuse to go.  I assisted those who were not going to be part of the murder of Vietnamese in the 60's. Some went underground, some went to jail but they certainly weren't going to an illegal war.

PS: The FBI doesn't seem to share the great surety that you have that Osama Bin Laden was responsible for 9/11. On their "Most Wanted" list which he tops for a reward of $25million (no takers ?-when Hicks was handed over for a thousand bucks ?. Maybe they know they'll never have to pay) the dramatic events are not mentioned unlike all the others on their wanted list where their alleged crimes are detailed.

Let's face it. Yes, do let's face it. Rather than deny it.

Richard Tonkin: "Let's face it, Eliot, there's as much evidence that Hicks was killing Indians as there was that he was spying on the US embassy (charge dropped for obvious reasons ... no embassy), and Terry's suggestion that what David was writing was "thought crime" is as equally valid as what was in the letters until the matter is proven in a court of law."

Let's face it, Richard, Hicks' handwritten letters to his father actually bragging about killing Indians by firing an RPG at them, and separate boast about firing a heavy calibre weapon "across a border" and how much fun  that was, represent a wee problem for those of his admirers striving now to exculpate him. Because they're in the record - and are not going away, are they?

Precisely why one would feel the need to excuse, conceal or mitigate such an epistemological certitude as David's boasts is anyone's guess. Is it because some feel a special affection or exceptional personal regard for that particular Taliban mercenary? Or do they just enjoy the vicarious frisson of such 'naughty boy' non-conformism in general?

I mean , what difference should David's conduct make if one's concern is merely his 'rights' - as opposed to his 'reputation'? Why should David Hick's reputation be so important to people who insist that the over-riding principle of Human Rights is their concern? And not David's indisputable record of conduct?

Why not just concede that David is what he has repeatedly claimed to be in those scores of letters sent back to Terry? Darned little scally-wag...

"Vengeance is pointless, but certain men did not have a place in the world we sought to contsruct."

- Simone de Beauvoir

That got me thinking. Simone, herself a Nazi collaborator, was reflecting there on the some 10,800 executions carried out in France in 1945 during the course of the Liberation for acts of 'Collaboration'.

'Collaboration with the enemy' was in France an offense quite separate from 'Treason', and was punishable under retrospective legislation, namely the Ordinance of 26 December 1944.

As Tony Judt points out in his book 'Past Imperfect: French Intellectuals 1944-1956', the political left loved the Ordinance of 26 December and similar edicts elsewhere in Europe because it gave them the opportunity to run around killing people while sanctimoniously, and usually hypocritically posing as representatives of light, moral rectitude and 'The Future'.

Having sex with the enemy or trading with them under the Occupation was usually sufficient to get you killed under the Ordinance - though oddly enough, making broadcasts of your poetry on Vichy radio or having your philosophy books publshed with Nazi approval didn't, which is just as well because we'd have seen Simone and Jean Paul Sartre amongst others shoved up against a wall, too.

Anyway, using that precedent with its impeccable 'poltically correct' credentials, is there a philosophical case for retrospective legislation to deal with Australians who actually collaborate with the Taliban, which at this moment is hunting down Australian servicemen in Afghanistan (where David was captured), having recently killed a number of them?

What do you think, Richard?


An ex post facto law

… is a law that retrospectively changes the legal consequences of acts committed or the legal status of facts and relationships that existed prior to the enactment of the law. In reference to criminal law, it may criminalize actions that were legal when committed; or it may aggravate a crime by bringing it into a more severe category than it was in at the time it was committed; or it may change or increase the punishment prescribed for a crime, such as by adding new penalties or extending terms; or it may alter the rules of evidence in order to make conviction for a crime more likely than it would have been at the time of the action for which a defendant is prosecuted.

Ex post facto laws around the world


Australia has no strong constitutional prohibition on ex post facto laws, although narrowly retrospective laws might violate the constitutional separation of powers principle. Australian courts normally interpret statutes with a strong presumption that they do not apply retrospectively.

European Convention on Human Rights

Most European nations, and all European Union nations, are bound by the European Convention on Human Rights. Article 7 of the convention prohibits ex post facto criminal laws subject to two exceptions. It also prohibits a heavier penalty being imposed than was applicable at the time when an act was committed. The exceptions are:

  • Acts illegal under international law at the time of their commission.
  • Acts criminal according to "the general principles of law recognized by civilized nations".

Even the former Prime Minister said (back in February 2004) that:

… he would not support amending the laws to cover crimes committed before they were passed.

Mr Howard said while tax laws were sometimes changed retrospectively to close loopholes, it was not fair to backdate criminal laws.

"It's fundamentally wrong to make a criminal law retrospective," he told ABC Television.

It seems to me that Mr Howard was correct on this point. It also seems to me that laws such as those passed in France after the end of World War II would be legitimate under the rubric of "the general principles of law recognized by civilized nations", although I will probably defer to those with greater knowledge of jurisprudence.

On the other hand, Eliot, maybe you have a point. Why do I feel a retrospective law against remorseless ridicule coming on?


Lizzie "Vengeance is pointless, but certain men did not have a place in the world we sought to contsruct." - Simone de Beauvoir


Now, don't go getting yourself into a state about Simone de Beauvoir, dear. Remember what the doctor said. You haven't skipped some of your tablets, have you?

And you promised HRH Prince Philip she was nothing to you, the saucy little French poodle!

Get back to the Corgis. Much healthier little beasts.

And were never once f*cked by a member of the SS (except, perhaps, the little juvenile delinquent Prince with the swastika armband who anyway was only trailling his coat for a job with Richard Howard in Washington*).

Dr Jean Paul Woodforde, OAM, killing an Arab, not a whole lot of Indians, for the other rattattatbag

* who, thanks to the mindless ingratitude and callous indifference of the Australian electorate on Nov 24, now will have to go on the Wallaby, or get a job on the gutting line in the chicken slaughterhouse to pay for the rent of his trailer-home. Or go con famiglia della moglia. They're very conservative, though. Nearly as thick and materialistic as he is.

A witness would be nice

After you introduce your retrospective legislation, Eliot, on what are you going to base your case?  Whether true or no, without any corroborative evidence all Hicks has to do (even if his letters are truth)  is say that he made up the story.  No way to gainsay.   I somehow don't think that citing Simone de Beauvoir as precedent would stand up.

It's not about David

Despite Henderson and others catagorising us as sympathisers or apologists of Hicks it's not about David or his actions GET it! It has been about taking a suspect offshore to a place designed to ignore fundamental legal rights as was/is Guantanamo Bay and being held indefinintely without charge until a charge could be found. And then about the flawed process that occurred until his eventual release.

What David said about climbing Mount Everest. Nothing.

Michael de Angelos: "The completely humourless Henderson says Hicks may or may not have killed someone - well yes ,he may or may not have climbed Mount Everest, Gerard "

Except the completely humourless David Hicks boasts in a letter to his father about how he, David, did indeed kill people. Deliberately. A couple of perfectly innocent Indian guys. He brags about it. He killed them as part of his war against Jewish world dominance, or whatever. As a mercenary. Using an RPG that time. Not even Terry denies this. David wrote to him about it before he was caught by the Northern Alliance.

In a separate letter, the one read out by Terry in the TV documentary, David boasts about "shooting at people". That time with a heavy calibre machine gun. He may or may not have killed his intended victims of that second, separate, documented, personally acknowledged occasion.

Despite claiming to have not been in contact with David at the time, it turns out that Terry knew all these things. As now do David's supporters and admirers.

They suggest however that this is "all in the past" and that "boys will be boys". That kind of thing. Though it was fresh enough in people's minds in 2001 when David was caught in the battle-field by his Northern Alliance adversaries.

His admiers and followers claim it's David's (though not his victims') rights that they worry about. Not what he did, mind you, and which they continually play down for his benefit.

Despite his piddiling sentence. Lavishly funded legal defense team. And apparently excellent diet. Despite not being executed in the field as was his due as a non-uniformed combat irregular. Despite the mega-bucks media offers. Despite Australians being killed fighting against the Taliban. They worry endlessly about David.

He made no mention of climbing, or even wishing to climb Mount Everest, though, I grant you. So, he probably never did that.

But the other stuff, he admits doing. You see the point?

Imagine if it turned out that instead of David Hicks running around with the Taliban or whoever, it was one of John Howard's sons out there killing innocent people. In the name of the Kurdish Peshmergue instead of the Taliban. And he ended up in prison in, I dunno, Iran, say? Or Turkey?

The David Hicks apologists would soooooo care about Howard fils? And his rights as a prisoner, wouldn't they?

David's admirers don't support him in spite of his actions. They support him because of his actions. Which is why they are so eager to down-play public awareness or discussion of them.

For example, it could be argued that this or that penny-ante SS Guard didn't get a fair trial at Nuremburg. But only a certain class of individual would pretend he or she didn't deserve their fate. Let alone arrange for an executive jet so they could be flown home in time for Christmas. And celebrate his or her birthday in their absence.

No casual teas, please. We're Royals.

Lizzie Despite Australians being killed fighting against the Taliban. They worry endlessly about David.

How many Australians were killed fighting the neoCons' favourite foe, les TellyTubbies, while David Hicks was guarding his burned out tank? Have their relatives been notified? Did the PM go to their funeral(s)? On TV?

From what units? Any units? Come on, there must be some sort of backdrop for the PM at the funeral. But one senses a big fat hysterical Buckingham Palace transvestite (with tiara) porky, ERII.

How about a few Northern Alliance Australian residents/citizens on a bit of R&R home-visit cum opium buying and On Target/Sporting Shooting? Putting a bit of Tingle in their Jingle.

That should cover it. And for God's sake get Henderson and poor old Greg the Lies they tell our Children Sheridan aboard. With their voluminous skirts hitched high and wide, of course.

Dr Emir al Barbar bin Woodforde, OAM, skirting Kashmir

I never promised you a rose garden.

Let's face it, Eliot, there's as much evidence that Hicks was killing Indians as there was that he was spying on the US embassy (charge dropped for obvious reasons ... no embassy), and Terry's suggestion that what David was writing was "thought crime" is as equally valid as what was in the letters until the matter is proven in a court of law. This will never happen. This renders one of the central points of your stance as unprovable. Can't you find a point to argue from with more demonstrable veracity? I congratulate you on the craftmanship you've employed in tabling your argument, but it still appears to me that your table, like the whole Guantanemo trial system, doesn't have a leg to stand on.

It's pretty safe to say now that if Hicks hadn't entered a guilty plea he would not have been convicted. The Guantanemo system appears only to work if the defendant is so desperate to escape that they will comply, and Hicks has been the only one so far. Expect a pre-announcement of the prison's close in the next few months.

Let me take this whole scenario back to "John and Betty" level for you, Eliot. Howard needs Hicks out. Cheney needs Hicks convicted. Hicks wants to go home. Attempts to implement anything more legally complicated than this have failed miserably. The system is a sham, validated only by coercion.

What pisses me off about the whole thing is that my local law-and-order-mad Labor government have been so keen to gain brownie points on the situation that they haven't considered such ethics. Of course it would have nothing to do with the amount of US defence money being poured into this city at the minute, would it? They're calling Adelaide Hicksville now, and we're living up to the American meaning of the expression very well.

My endearing little kitten has caught his first rodent this morning. He's been swatting the corpse to and fro across the kitchen floor, throwing it in the air to catch, doing his best to simulate life so that the game might continue. I'm considering changing his name from Merlin to Murdoch. Before I consign the little corpse to its final resting place I'm not too sure whether to name it David or Adelaide.

Had the press played another game we could be offering a pardon now. Happy endings to books and movies, however, don't sell as well.

Speaking Of Sex

Perhaps Geoff Parhof, the guards at Guantanamo Bay could apologise to David Hicks for penetrating him with objects- or do you think they weren't getting a thrill from it- just doing their duty ?.

Until everyone is prepared to publish their private letters then whatever Hicks said in them is of no consequence no matter how unpalatable his thoughts.

His father released the contents of these letters- possibly not the wisest move given that Hicks' critics are pouncing on any tit bit to justify their support for his illegal incarceration. Then again, Terry Hicks was fighting an arduous battle to get his son released.

Nor were people fighting for Hicks' release "fans" as the dotty Henderson calls them-rather citizens of Australia demanding just and legal treatment for anyone incarcerated without trial. And that included every bar association in this country and every state Attornery General.

Hicks need not apologise because no-one jailed has ever yet been forced to. Not in the entire western community.

 However there is an extensive list of those who should apologise to Australia for asisting the PM take us into two illegal invasions; Afghanistan and Iraq.

Or could we start with the AFP apologising to Dr Haneef over that farce?.

Amongst the war supporters are Gerard Henderson who supported John Howard's decision-along with plenty in the Labor Party including NSW's Bob Carr and too many others in the media to name.

Some More Than Hicks May Need To Apologize

Eliot Ramsey, Certainly this Hicks fellow should not be made to apologize for anything he has said or written - he has completed his time. That is not to say a true apology would not be the right course of action. The bedrock of any society that truly values free speech is accepting that some may say things most find highly offensive. I find that in the area of libel, freedom of information, and free speech, Australian law  embarrassingly lacks an international sophistication - something that should be remedied as a matter of national democracy and pride.

"Western society is controlled by the Jews with music, TV, houses, cars [and] free sex".

Any politician or human rights organization that has supported such anti democratic and illiberal European anti racist laws, whilst simultaneously supporting Mr Hicks, should be held accountable -Frankly, credibility in this area for such people is now zero. The ludicrous and pointless destruction of free speech is a crime in itself (yes, the worst crimes are paved with the best intentions), the selective use of such laws; is the behaviour of the fascist. All such people should be called on to resign their positions or at least publicly apologize for their extreme anti democratic values being used to erode true democracy.

Australia is extremely lax in this area and it poses the single biggest threat to Australian democracy and liberal society along with sending an absolutely disgraceful international message! All such illiberal and unjustified laws should be immediately dispatched to the graveyard of disgrace! Those that have pushed such laws should find themselves not far behind (not literally of course).

Correct Eliot

The completely humourless Henderson says Hicks may or may not have killed someone - well yes ,he may or may not have climbed Mount Everest, Gerard

Nor does the Henderson mish-mash of weaving a tale of intrigue add up to much. There must be thousands of people who met the late Bin Laden including a good number of CIA personnel. Hell, George Bush even flew the entire Bin Laden family out of the USA straight after 9/11.

When has a person ever released from prison ever had to apologise for statements put into a letter in privacy to another person. Uhh?

Terry Hicks put it well :"thought crime".

And Hey Gerard and Eliot - go back and read what Hicks was charged with you dumkoffs - providing material support for terrorism by guarding a burnt out tank and an empty building. For all we know he may be responsible for Hurricane Katrina but IT WASN'T ON THE CHARGE SHEET. Got it?

Christ this so infantile but the only people obsessed with Hicks are those who cannot comprehend that he has snubbed them - mainly the News Ltd lot who now have the mincing Christopher Pine bleating about lack of "media access" to Hicks. Or are they desperately trying to force his hand into giving a freebie interview to dilute the idea of a David Hick's book in the future?

Well that can't be true if Random House are after the Hicks story (owner: R.Murdoch). Then again the same publisher tried to pull of the mad O.J Simpson scam "If I Did It" . No apologies from Murdoch and Co to the Simpson or the Goldman families over the terrible slashing deaths of their loved ones. Then again, OJ may or may not have done it.

In other words, Pine is screeching for the media to be allowed to break the gaga order on Hicks - an agreement reached in that bogus court that they claim on one hand is absolutely legit, but on the other want to pay no notice to the conditions imposed.

Pine, Henderson, Ackermann (and no doubt Devine and Albrechtsen will soon put their collectively left feet into it) are all calling for the breaking of the law - the ones they claim they support - as apparently you do as well Ramsey.

Off to Guantanamo Bay the lot of you (along with George Newhouse) for a few years torture - indeed, it's treasonous talk.

The Trial Record

For those interested, the record of the Hicks "trial" is at the US DoD Military Commissions site. Be warned that it is a 110 MB PDF, with 544 pages.

I found the transcript on the disqualification of lawyers Dratel and Snyder fascinating, and supporting Mori's motion that the military judge disqualify himself for the appearance of bias.

Then there are the arguments on sentence, starting at page 250 of the PDF.

Also worth noting, as it keeps popping up on Webdiary, is the version of the shooting at India agreed by prosecution and defence in the Stipulation of Fact (at page 301 of the PDF):

13. Following the training at Mosqua Aqsa, the accused, along with LET associates, traveled to a border region between Pakistani-controlled Kashmir and Indian-controlled Kashmir where he engaged in hostile action against Indian forces by firing a machine gun at an Indian Army bunker.

David hasn't hurt anyone

John Pratt: "Hicks has been a victim and if he was in fact guilty of a crime he has paid a terrible price."

Actually, David reckons he's "doing fine" - although he's put on a lot of weight. Which is a bit of a worry.

All that high-fat chow the Yanks fed him at Gitmo, you know? In between 'torture' sessions.

Anyway, by his own admission in letters presented to the Federal Magistrates Court, David boasts that he killed some people in India while struggling against "Western-Jewish domination".

His dad reckons that's all in the past, though, and he hasn't hurt anyone. Lately.

But let me be honest, I don't share Gerard Henderson's view that David's supporters are in denial about him.  I'm sure they're fully aware of what he's like.

That's why they hold in absentia birthday parties and form cheer-squads for him.


"Western society is controlled by the Jews with music, TV, houses, cars [and] free sex".

- David Hicks.

Nope. Nothing to apologise for there.


No Such Thing.

Of course he should apologise. Sex is like lunch. It is never free.

Richard:  Unless you sneak past the cashier and get stuck into the smorgasboard.

Sutton's Law

I don't want to give away a free kick, but if David Hicks wants to reconstruct his public profile he could do worse than look up Willie Sutton. That is, since his comments are on the public record, he could smooth his path to absolution by pursuing an early conflab with the Anti Defamation Commission. He may be advised that his remarks are not defamatory at all, just the ramblings of misspent youth. However, if that's the best he can do, I suggest he does not have another Jerilderie Letter on the boil. Kelly had the added advantage of having proven that he was a thieving, murdering, horse-stealing cop-killer.

All this in the name of democracy.

Plots to cover up the torture of prisoners by Central Intelligence Agency interrogators.

We have seen American soldiers abuse, sexually humiliate, torment and murder prisoners in Afghanistan and Iraq.

We have seen mercenaries gun down Iraqi civilians with no fear of prosecution.

We have seen the president, sworn to defend the Constitution, turn his powers on his own citizens, authorizing the intelligence agencies to spy on Americans, wiretapping phones and intercepting international e-mail messages without a warrant.

The government’s top lawyers huddled in secret after the attacks in New York and Washington and plotted ways to circumvent the Geneva Conventions — and both American and international law — to hold anyone the president chose indefinitely without charges or judicial review.

Allow Mr. Bush to turn intelligence agents into torturers, to force doctors to abdicate their professional oaths and responsibilities to prepare prisoners for abuse, and then to monitor the torment to make sure it didn’t go just a bit too far and actually kill them.

Hundreds of men, swept up on the battlefields of Afghanistan and Iraq, were thrown into a prison in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, so that the White House could claim they were beyond the reach of American laws. Prisoners are held there with no hope of real justice.

In other foreign lands, the C.I.A. set up secret jails where “high-value detainees” were subjected to ever more barbaric acts, including simulated drowning.


These are not the only shocking abuses of President Bush’s two terms in office, made in the name of fighting terrorism. There is much more — so much that the next president will have a full agenda simply discovering all the wrongs that have been done and then righting them.

Hicks has been a victim and if he was in fact guilty of a crime he has paid a terrible price. We hear calls for an apology,  in fact we should demand an apology from Mr Bush and the other leaders who have tarnished the word democracy including John Howard.  Americans reading the New York Times today must be wondering what happened to their country. Is this any different than what the Nazis did in World War II? How do we get out of this mess? When we ask our soldiers to die for democracy, what do we mean?

John Howard - It's been a very good year

Happy New Year to all. I woke up in 2008 to a screaming headline from the OZ: "Howard in war refugee snub: Fraser".

1977 - Howard in war refugee snub: Fraser - Mr Fraser claims Mr Howard approached him in a corridor following a cabinet meeting in May 1977 and said: "We don't want too many of these people. We're doing this just for show, aren't we?"

1988 - Howard’s Future Directions - his yearning for Australia (White Australia) of the 1950s where: "a happy family, a nice-looking couple with two nice-looking children, standing before their nice home with its white picket fence, with a nice family car in the driveway.”

1988 - His "I do believe that if it is - in the eyes of some in the community - that it's too great, it would be in our immediate-term interest and supporting of social cohesion if it were slowed down a little, so the capacity of the community to absorb it was greater".

1989 - “The objection I have to multiculturalism, it suggests that we can’t make up our minds who we are or what we believe in.” As is in his Future Directions, his yearning for a mono-WASP-culture Australia.

1996 - His tacit support of Hansonism: "that Australia was "in danger of being swamped by Asians" due to high immigration, asserting that Asian immigrants "have their own culture and religion, form ghettos and do not assimilate."

2001 - His stance and demonisation of TAMPA, Children overboard and the Pacific Solution for the refugees from Iraq and Afganistan

2007 - Yes, there are too many Asians, they remembered well him in Bennelong.

I was kind to him in "Time to say goodbye". I should have said "Good Riddance" or f@&^%$off. Yes, it has been a very good year to get rid of the toxin.

More champagne for Maxine ratsac.And a surprising quote

Now PF there was I just getting over the xmas and new year celebrations and planning the recovery program when you had to write about Johnny losing his seat ... where is that box of chanpagne,there must be one left, I feel back in the mood...should old aquaint....

and Geoff there too pointing out that "free" should read "Fee", nice one Geoff, well spotted. On that ball, that-well balanced chap.

One dad's hard work rewarded with his boy home. Damaged, sure, but time to repair now and do a bit of writing. And learn in our society there is always a price and a fee for everything.

I wonder how many out there are caught up in this surreal but very nasty world of fanatic Islam and then realise what it all is really about.

Here is a quote for those who know the names in the news:

"He said he was 20 years old and had spent two years taking part in jihad in Bosnia.

But over an over, he repeated, he had made a mistake.

"Please get me out of here," he pleaded.

He said he had been fooled by the hard-luck stories he had heard about the plight of Muslims and Kashmiris in India......"

Not quite what one would expect him to say. It reminds of The spy who came in from the cold.

Many are caught up in the game of war. I hope that is the toxin that one gets rid of this year, the toxin of war and those who promoted waging it.


Mix & learn --- or anyway become blind to difference

Richard: after two generations, who cares?  New arrivals, state schools.

Michael: I’m not that enamoured of ‘Australians’!  Society must to some extent protect itself. I have no problem with ‘foreigners’ or immigrants. I grew up with waves of them arriving, did my first apprenticeship with a young Dutchman, and tried ever so hard to get a ‘Persian’ lass to marry me.

I have worked with people from all over, both here and overseas.

However problems that arise from not ‘fitting in’ must somehow be addressed. The issues facing France, for instance, have arisen because the influx was not managed.

As I see it, the vast range of acceptable behaviours suggests that those who cannot ‘integrate’ need encouragement. If there is a better way, I am open to persuasion.

The same old road ...

Michael, the problem as I see it is that far too many people have a problem in learning. Here we have yet another Hicks thread and some people go over the same old ground yet again. Fiona's "nutshell" post was spot on, but it was not the first time the nutshell has been aired.

A lesson that could be learned is for more people to take advantage of the internet and do a little research before repeating vague accounts about matters that reflect poorly on a segment of our society. We had an example on this thread of that - and the remedy, wherein Craig used the facilities available to find out the more about the issue. It is a pity that others did not do so before raising the matter. But why let the truth get in the way of a good prejudice - or delusion, or phobia?

We seem to go around and around just when we need to focus on the perils ahead. A Happy New Year? Or a rockier ride as each year passes? The challenges are enormous yet the question is - are we too flawed to meet them?

My Only Request For Schools

Teach them what they want - all I ask for is deportment and elocution lessons that used to turn out such nice Catholic gels.

Adapt to what Peter Hindrup ?.

No-one has yet come up with any logical reason why immigrants even need to speak English apart from it would make life easier for them. Why anyone cares if someone has a Vietnamese or Indian granny sitting at home unable to communicate with the outside world is bizarre.

This constant mantra that immigrants must become like "us" is unfathomable. I'm not even sure what Australians are actually like any more. All I can see is some strange cross between a US and British TV created society and everything that goes with it.

Throw in that the majority of folk seem to wear cheap duds from Target, made in China and you hardly have a walking model of a modern Aussie who needs emulating.

Yet just another appalling hangover of the Hideous Howard years where even SBS has been neutered into becoming a mish mash of nothingness. It was my late father's favourite TV channel on which he devoured the foreign films shown nightly.  Scots born, who would play the bagpipes on a Sunday, he was instrumental in financing immigrant Italian and Greek farmers in outer Sydney in the early 60's, against the qualms of his bosses - telling all that these were the best investment they could make. He was right. Most are now hugely rich third generation merchants.

Have a Happy New Year!


 Must agree with comments concerning isolation and banding together for security  within, of migrant communities. Seems a natural thing even under relatively good conditions, when a given group is finding its way in a new situation in a new environment and some individuals lack confidence relative to others  and so lean of the shoulders of members of their own more familiar subgroup. 

Therefore am not sure what some are getting at when they talk of Muslim schools-  do they mean in the context of one group not following "normal" trends- in that case what about Catholic schools for Irish or Italian kids,  or even  Anglican nob schools for the snobbish gentrified anglo middle-classes. Or are we talking of private schools being isolationist as a symptom exclusively of  antisocial isolationism as exclusive of mid eastern  migrants of a certain faith. Couldn't be possible that these hapless folk are misrepresented for partisan political reasons by the dominant local formations for reasons less than honorable, in their uncertainty and disarray falsely presented  as evidence of a flaw exclusive to themselves in contrast to a historically proven "norm"involving hesitancy from migrant sub groups.? 

Very unconvincing. And more likely despicable. Have already read this stuff from the likes of Pamela Bone, ad nauseam and am not going to be convinced by panicky recourse to it when the original was shot down so comprehensively, so long ago.

 In a climate of vilification, how are insecure traits of Muslim people (say) to be anything but reinforced?  It is astonishing to suggest that a community is not doing its bit to "fit in," when it is made less than welcome through racism fanned by exploitative populist politics and fault has actually shifted to a wider community rather than the under seige sub group , as it did with the Judenhecht of historical Middle Europe or the anti-Negro racism of the  Deep  Douth of the  US.

The ad hominem scapegoating and "othering" of  Hicks by Downer, a pillar of the local Establishment, is a typical example of this sort of vilification, except in this case against a person based on wilful, malicious gossipiness. rather than race inferiority rather than intrinsic race inferiority implicit in the attacks on Mediterranean  muslims, Hicks is condemned with contempt prior to investigation, when he is arguably at worst a pawn in a nasty propaganda game. The guy (Hicks) has after all already all been legally denied the right of public reply; has virtually no hope of defending himself in the current inflamed climate anyway, for  god's sake!

 I mean, how dare someone as reprehensible, sleazy and discredited as Downer  even remotely consider sitting in judgement over anyone else...  If ever a person represented an anti-social separatist trend it would be Downer and you can bet his kids didn't go the local community secondary school where they mucked in with the other kids of the wider community!

Richard:  Happy New Year, Paul!   

Conditions for immigrants

I have for many years argued that it was a mistake to allow people to immigrate to Australia — or anywhere else for that matter — with the notion that are not going to be required to adapt.

That for the first two generations the kids must be educated in state schools. And yes, doing whatever is needed to ensure that no school becomes an enclave for any particular group.

That all religious garb or insignia be not acceptable in public places except only upon the designated ‘holy’ day for that religion.

All, Catholics, Protestants, Jews, Sikhs, Mormons, Moslems, the pink people and the Hari Krishna, and every other belief-based cult you can think of!

National dress shall not be worn in public except upon special occasions.

All non English-speaking immigrants will attend English classes and gain a — whatever level  of proficiency —  within three years.   Failure of anybody in the  family to do so will result in the family being deported.

(Room for a bit of fiddling here. Across the board the young women will learn and assimilate.  The grumpy old men and the sour faced young males we can do without, so we encourage the young women to stay.)

Throughout the three years there will be regular community outings. Dress to fit in the general community standards.  Everybody to take part in all of the organised activities. Including swimming. Failure to attend? You are on your way home.

We love your food, your new ideas, your national dress and you are welcome to believe in whoever you like, but not every day!

Make it retrospective and set up a modest resettlement payment for those already here who cannot cope.

After two generations nobody would be interested in their religious schools.

I also have long believed that all kids upon staring school ought to be taught a second language.  A useful language! By that I mean a major language.

I also believe that all kids ought to be taught keyboard (touch typing) skills from day one.

Richard: How, Peter, would you deal with the argument that given many Australian kids go to Christian schools, Muslims should be allowed similar religious-educational rights?

LAGERBERICHT - putting on the acid

pH scale National dress shall not be worn in public except upon special occasions.


All non English-speaking immigrants will attend English classes and gain a — whatever level of proficiency — within three years. Failure of anybody in the family to do so will result in the family being deported.

(Room for a bit of fiddling here. Across the board the young women will learn and assimilate. The grumpy old men and the sour faced young males we can do without, so we encourage the young women to stay.)

Weird, man. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more.

Put it back in the bloody trowsis, pH. You've gone hejab happy. One has seen it before, but usually only amongst the lower caste of whites. Especially those with anglo-protestant adolescent sexual repression. I mean, look at John Howard and Alexander Downer. And their funny mate Kevin Andrews, who makes a special case for Catholics.

But the policy might put paid to all those whingeing bloody Poms, who refuse to speak Australian, wear queer-looking national dress round the clock (including transvestite rig) and put on grumpy and sour faces at any old age. And don't get me started on their bloody Queen of Australia, heir bloody Union Flag and their bloody backpackers.

So it's a reasonable price to pay - even if it is bloody British Union of bloody Fascists-style nazism/racsism. Thanks Peter. Good points, well made. Why should we care what the decent peoples of the world think? What would they bloody know? Bloody nig-nogs. Should all be shot. Along with Hicks and Rudd. Kill them all, and spare none of them. They are thinning and weakening the muscular anglo gene pool.

Rabbi Dr Sir Oswald Jihad on the Rivers of Blood Mosley Woodforde, OAM

[or perhaps, after a decent enough interval, gassed]

Karma Peter Hindrup

Despite the praise heaped on the little creep over his concession speech, I just saw a nasty little piece of goods who believed his own publicity surrounded by a throng of like-minded sheep. What he has sown he will reap.

The sight, as the cameras panned the room, of the ridiculous David Flint chortling with the rotund Piers Ackermann summed up the evening for me. Two Howard worshippers. Christ, some people really should get a life.

As for David Hicks - George Newhouse is showing he is the fool that Malcolm B.Duncan alerted us to with the supposed anti-Jewish statements made by Hicks - (still being carried on News Ltd websites - do they ever update before the rest of the world has got the story ?) has just been demolished by David Marr who demonstrates that more bullsh*t has been flung around about the hapless Hicks than Paris Hilton.

The laughable Christopher Pine is bleating about the lack of media access to David Hicks as he left jail. Honestly, some of these people simply have no shame. For anyone from the demolished Liberal Party to even put their head above the parapet and comment is astonishing.

Now we have Muslim kiddies being denied the right to learn the Polka or a Jimmy Barnes song.

It's just an embarrassment to be an Aussie these days.

Scot free?

Michael: "Howard seems to have escaped scot free and he didn't even have to get a parliamentary vote."


It was very recently that I read of the last attempt to find some Nazi, the last, because the 'hunter' was finally going to retire.

The Americans accept/believe that Bush and his cronies will not be able to travel outside the US within ten years. While at the present time the Yanks would not hand them over for trial, circumstances can and will change.

The time could well come when it is politically expedient to hand them over. Just as the time could come when it was hand over Howard and co, or face a trade embargo.

I can just see the masses coming out in support of Little Johnny and his mates!

However it plays out, if those demanding justice keep probing and harassing at every opportunity, then it ought to be possible to create an atmosphere where these bods jump every time a door creaks, begin fearing that some of their security is plotting against them, fearing to step outside.

Persecute a person skilfully enough and eventually every adverse happening, every incident becomes the work of the persecutors in the eyes of the persecuted.

(Imagine the 'terrorists' trying to pay a PR firm to create the bogyman image that they have been tagged with! Look at the rights and freedoms given up to placate what is in fact little more than a beat up!)

Small Beer Ian

Who really gives a damn if people don't want their kids to learn music? It isn't the end of civilisation as we know it. This is another Howard legacy – silly controversies over Muslim schools. I'd put this one in the same category as that goose Nile's claim women in burkhas may be hiding rocket launchers beneath their outfits.

I'd dispute the fact that John Howard wasn't above the law: taking your country into war as the aggressor upon a stack of lies certainly got a few strung up at the Nuremberg Trials. Howard seems to have escaped scot free and he didn't even have to get a parliamentary vote, unlike his allies Bush and Blair (although they admittedly told the same lies but then both countries have parliamentarians that don't follow the leader like a pack of sheep).

Still – come the revolution there will be dancing.

Small Beer Indeed

Michael, I am reluctant to engage in lastwordism, but this is a bit hard to resist. There's music, song, bonhomie, conviviality and gaiety galore in this. And a title: From Small Beers do Great Breweries Grow.

Anyway, here's a link you probably will enjoy. Have fun.

Justice for David Hicks

I heard Dick Smith on radio today saying it was a pity David Hicks didn't get a trial by jury.

I agree. Can we get him over to India or Afghanistan someway?

With All Respect Ian

What are you on about ?.

Who is going to oppose Muslim parents who want to withdraw their kids from a Victorian school ( if it happened) ?. How are we going to stop them  "getting away with it"?. Who is going to "stop them" ? You ?. Fred Nile ?.

We can't even get inside an Exclusive Brethren school to find out what garbage they are waffling on about and they had the covert support of the last PM.

In some respects the USA is a great "Satan" under it's present leadership and it's foreign policies which will most likely continue with a Democratic president.

It's most certainly not the USA envisaged by the likes of Tom Paine.

Geoff Pahoff-what the hell are you talking about ?. That's just a load of mumbo jumbo justifying the creation of a military 'commission", writing it's own rules, tossing out all the rules of evidence in this phony "war on terra" to justify inhumane facts after the case. And you want us to just accept it ?

They changed the rules daily to get a result and of course they got away with it because they're the US army is mostly moronic imbeciles with bloody great big guns and muscles and cowardly bullies to boot.

And excuse me but people do not linger inside Australian jails for nearly 6 years before they are brought to trial. But plenty of people would love it to be that way.

This isn't about David Hicks as a person. It's about how we apply the rule of law. And none was applied in his case. It was just another shameful gutless episode in Australia's sorry history so swines like Howard and Co could keep themselves being re-elected.

No wonder we have so many dills in this country. The place is plastered with Murdoch newspapers in every city rabbiting on about not receiving a Hick's "apology" whilst ignoring the fact he is gagged for 6 months ( another gift to Howard) and the morons respond. Now the RSL is getting in on the act. About time the remaining members of the RSL -mostly Vietnam veterans pulled their fingers out the poker machines and gave a  giant bloody apology to the Vietnamese people who they helped annihilate in the hundreds of thousands.

Perhaps one of these ignorant sods could point to when we or our allies declared war formally upon Afghanistan which transformed anyone assisting them into a "traitor".

Let's hope the Rudd government grows a spine and soon realises the Liberal Party is kaput. It's over for them Robert McClelland. They are no more and will be no more. Rudd is in for a decade and so are you so do the right thing.

Hicks & the rule of law

Geoff if I was locked up without trial — and perhaps even with one — I would plead to anything that got me out. Mind you my reasons would not be for ‘freedom’ but to put me in a position where I could get a crack at my tormentors. Forgiving I am not!

Angela: Those of us who believe that the law ought to apply equally to all do not live in the ‘real world of politics, power and money’.  I have seen it argued that countries cannot be held to the same standard or accountability as can the individual

Read that as ‘leaders’ are off limits but the cattle can be slaughtered for whatever cause the ‘leaders’ deem to be worthwhile.

That leaves the question would any nation, any civilised nation, any western nation, slaughter its own citizens to achieve an objective?
I believe that Bush, Blair, Howard and their cohorts ought to be dragged off to an International court, tried and hanged — er sorry, and subjected to the vagaries of the law.

There are those who believe ‘that we are past all that’, and that it ought be just forgotten.

Go down that path and you have no belief in the rule of law, and where does that lead?

Take the Iraqis, if there is no repercussions to the invaders, why would you not expect them to seek revenge?

When there is nothing else, you do what you can.

In the cases of both  Hicks and Mamdou Habib the question is ‘rule of law’. That, or accept that anyone of us can be picked up upon the whim of anyone in authority, with no rights and no avenue of redress. 

Me, I fight like hell whenever I see anyone in authority, or in assumed authority as happened only days ago, crossing the line.  I support any move to bring down any rogue authority, but in the end I know that if they come for me they will eventually win.

Ideological clones

Considering Kevin from heaven (Rudd the dud) has placed himself on the moral bandstand, but has done nothing to change the draconian laws the lib faction introduced and has said he will uphold them, I think we can see where the loyalty of the lab faction lies.

Why aren't charges of false imprisonment and of being accomplices to acts of terror and torture been taken out against those who signed the illegal documents which placed Hicks in solitary confinement in SA without trial or charge? Only dictatorships act in this way, as history shows us. What about all those Australians committing acts of terror in Iraq by killing civilians whilst working as hired guns for the elite? But along with their ilk I suppose it's justifiable in their eyes. Hicks had to sign a pledge that he would not sue the US government, which is a clear indication they are aware of their guilt and non legal standing in USA and under international law and the rules of war and the Geneva convention. I love the propaganda put out by these people saying he killed Indians, did this and did that without one scrap of proof to support their delusions. It has been pointed out that they raided Terry Hicks' place and took the letters David sent. But the USA still failed to bring one piece of evidence to support anything they accused him of, nor has the AFP, ASIO or anyone. They gave him an ultimatum, confess to the crime we say you committed, or we will keep torturing you until you break completely or die. Anyone with half a brain would see that's why no one has been brought before the illegal military commission except for Hicks and then only with the collusion of the Australian libs. As usual we see the ideological clones bobbling up when their buttons are pushed by the masters. It's the septic tank of ignorance to make statements about what conditions and what effect six years of solitary confinement, physical and mental torture has upon someone when they clearly have no experience of a situation like that and probably have never been under any sustained and unwarranted draconian pressure.

It Isn't About Hicks

Richter puts it succinctly. This is about "show" trials and the genuine rule of law.

The Soviet Union had it's show trials in the Cold War era. Those of us old enough watched when the US spy-plane pilot Gary Powers ( who may or may not have strayed into Soviet area) was put on public display and trial. It was a rigged trial with a desired outcome-one that suited the Soviet politburo of the day.

Poor Powers simply had to go along with it, plead guilty and possibly hope he would be exchanged one day for a Russian spy. And that's what happened in a game played out by politicians where individuals lives mean nothing.

Even today, Mamdou Habib-never charged or tried for a single crime must wear his incarceration at Guantanamo Bay as a further punishment full of innuendo by snide journalists who have never left their comfortable office for anything greater than a good lunch but think that opinion somehow equals fact.

If this is how Robert McClelland intends to continue as AG-giving into "secret information" , the same type used against the innocent Dr Haneef, organisations like the AFP and ASIO must feel emboldened.

No hero - but the case for freeing him is just

From today's Age Editorial:

It is natural that much has been made of Hicks' release. There will be a scramble to unravel every thread of the story before the media caravan moves on, but the truth is that Hicks the man does not matter nearly as much as the principles that were compromised to put him behind bars: those of the presumption of innocence and of no detention without trial.

The truth is that Hicks has never been an admirable figure — and was probably a downright deluded and dangerous one. Ironically, it might well be that six years of suffering have produced a better human being than the belligerent young bogan who decided that taking up arms for a foreign cause in a foreign land was more exciting than life as a labourer, stud groom and failed rodeo rider.

For all Hicks' supposed conversion to Islam, he never quite convinced as a religious devotee so much as the sort of lonely, gun-happy young man who sees mercenary soldiering as a way to indulge violent fantasies. It would be wrong, therefore, to allow him any sort of hero status by default. We should be enraged by the unjust treatment meted to him, but should not rewrite history in his favour in the way that sentiment twisted facts to make heroes of other reckless men: Ned Kelly, Ronald Ryan and Harry "Breaker" Morant come to mind. In each case, myth-makers have woven excuses for what remain undeniably criminal acts. But at least Kelly, Morant and Ryan received trials for the crimes with which they were charged. It is to this country's shame that Hicks was denied that which should be every Australian's birthright.

That puts it in a nutshell, Jenny and Kathy. What Hicks did (or says he did, or is alleged to have done) was not a crime in Australia at that time, nor was it a crime in the USA at that time. What he said he did (shooting across the border and killing Indian troops) may well be a crime in India. If so I have no problems at all with his being extradited to India and facing a properly constituted court there. However, he has not received justice under either Australian or USA law. That is my sole concern, and if that makes me a blue conservative, green radical, or pink liberal, quite frankly I don't give a damn.

Yes, in a nutshell Fiona

Fiona, I have spent today on and off battering the ears of the good Scot here with exactly that argument. There are two issues, the man and what he was doing or attempting to do, and the issues of law and human rights. Thank you for the link to the Age for it does put it in a nutshell.

I have no time for the man. But for the record I do not believe that anyone in the world should be incarcerated without fair trial for whatever alleged crime, and certainly not for six years or under the conditions of Guantanamo Bay. So I supported efforts to get the stupid young fellow out of there.

We do not however owe Hicks any apology. Huge effort was put in by many Australians to get him out of the fix he got himself into.  I hope he will repay that effort by now making a worthwhile contribution to Australian society. And to the welfare of his long suffering family.

My sympathy goes to them. 

I might add that I have a problem with the embracing of God/Allah when it suits, and then the discarding of Him when it suits.  

Paul, Ian had already pointed that link out to me. Angela. Compex issues and argument which we have been tossing about in this house today with no resolution. But now with a certain piper about to hit town for NYE here,  I must think about alerting the street.

2008 about to dawn. Intend to make the most of it. Cheers one and all.

Two issues - and some poetic licence

Thank you, Jenny and Angela. I think it is vital to keep the two matters entirely separate.

As to apologies, I think we should cut Richard a bit of poetic slack. Certainly many Australians worked very hard to get him out of an appalling situation. That part of the Australian public has no need to apologise. What sticks in my craw, however, is the intransigence of the Howard government – until it became politically expedient to assist in engineering his so-called plea bargain and subsequent "release". Tim McCormack in yesterday’s Age has some interesting comments on the different ways that Howard and Blair handled the situation – but then, he’s only an academic, so what would he know?

Meanwhile – for tomorrow night – I suggest citronella candles, bandages, earplugs, and plasma...

The Case For Trying Him Is Also Just

The fact that Hicks committed no known crime in Australia at the time by virtue of these alleged acts is true but irrelevant. That he was outside the reach of Australian jurisdiction is hardly grounds for release from lawful detention by a foreign authority or a defence against charges brought by a foreign authority for acts committed in foreign lands.

Whether or not Hicks was lawfully detained under US law or committed a crime under US law was in the process of being resolved by US law. From memory issues pertaining to this went before the US Supreme Court at least twice. You might decry the sloth like progress in the system but I suggest we should have a look at what goes on in our own courts before we condemn the Americans.

Hicks is free only because he entered into a lawful plea bargain. This happens all the time, especially in the US. Not because of any exposed flaw in the legal process.  He is guilty as charged of what he pled guilty. You might criticise the system under which a prisoner in detention facing a long prison sentence or worse pleads guilty to a lesser charge as part of a deal. You might fairly criticise the laws. But it is simply not true to say that what Hicks did was not a crime under US law at the time. That was a matter to be resolved by the US legal system. And it was indeed lawfully resolved by Hicks' guilty plea. 

David Hicks, not the convicted terrorist despite the spinners

Well Geoff, just wondering again – your "That he was outside the reach of Australian jurisdiction is hardly grounds for release from lawful detention".

How was GitBay lawful, Geoff? Was he held under the Geneva Convention? Was his holding lawful under that convention? Was he held under US federal law? Under what charge and conditions? Have you read what the military lawyer involved in his case said about the military tribunals?

To presume one guilty of a crime is not the Australian way of justice and in fact can result in a declaration of a mistrial and release. One must be brought before the court and one must know the evidence against one and for what one is charged. You may have no problem with the STASI-like system of GitBay where tortured untestable statements are used as "evidence" but most who understand the legal system and what it stands for – equal justice for all before the law – do care.

By all means let us see him charged here and witnesses brought forward in an open trial. Otherwise he is not guilty of any crime by any court of law. The military tribunals were not accepted as either just or lawful for any US citizen or for anyone else by extrapolation.

If someone is being held in a GitBay illegal detention centre like the Gulags of old then any bargain they made to return has nothing to do with legitimate verdicts. He is not, therefore, a "convicted terrorist" – no matter how much the neocon stooges and spinners want him to be – as no court of law has convicted him.

Or do you accept the various verdicts of kangaroo courts by dictatorships and totalitarian governments that have reeked down the ages? How many did Stalin roo-jump into court and then off to the chop? And Dreyfus's convenient verdict?

Whatever David Hicks did or did not do for whom and with whom we do not know at this point and he is not found guilty by any legitimate court of law yet. Innocent until proven guilty.

Or are our principles just ones of convenience?

Some think justice and rights and freedoms are just slogans to sling at a soccer game but they are a very precious deep set of values which have developed over long centuries for which battles have been fought and even the last WW was fought over them. The Cold War was supposed to be all about our principles of freedom against totalitarian communism.

Are we changing sides here? Are we becoming the demon of the international world? Will people battle against us under the same values our parents fought for? Freedom from invasion, torture, demands to have human rights and justice, demands we have over our war criminals? When one is close to the abyss one only needs a little step.

These values and rights are not to be brought out of the drawer only when convenient but to be openly expected at all times, and how we treat David Hicks and the like is the test of who we really are, what we may become.


PS if he were smart ,he would write his memoirs to be released only upon his death. Maybe that will keep him safer.

It's Odd Ian

I always wonder why the Saudi billionaire hasn't embraced the digital age completely and asked a supporter to pick up a small digital camcorder at Kabul Duty Free.

Those tiresome video tapes,( which  look for all the world at least 15 years old)-where Mr Bin Laden is nevertheless clutching a satellite telephone as we would expect of someone who can donate 50 million dollars to the Sudan to build sealed roads, must be a devil to transcribe from beta-max onto digital tape for the world's media.( and a Fox News report ?-shame on you )

The Guardian link also seems to show a group of men's backs-could be CIA agents for all we know !.

Still-we haven't had a tape for yonks but then they only ever were released , purely co-incidentally of course-during some crisis in the Bush presidency. I can tell you now-as a person who worked for many years in public relations ( the business of selling lies) that the ideal way of getting your (old beta max) tape to the west would be to send it to Al Jazerra first. Such credibility !

Here's an odd one for you-again we cannot take it for gospel, ala those Bin Laden tapes were we only hear him mumbling but get a "translated" version courtesy of the impartial US government.

It's David Frost interviewing the late Benazir Bhutto in November this year. Of course even though it sounds like Frost and Bhutto-it could be a dastardly plot involving a Frost look-a-like and cleverly edited vision although Frost hasn't yet complained.

 Then again neither has Bin Laden complained that his words have actually been altered or simply mis-translated to suit the latest US emergency like the heroic George Bush who personally quelled a terrible plot to bomb the Sears Tower ( except it was all hokey) and other non dramas.

But perhaps this snippet explains why, and is the reason why we never see a modern day Bin Laden . Even Muslim Jihadists have a change of outfits-especially billionaires !.

It slipped under the usual vigilant noses of News Ltd and just about every other "credible" media outlet , but then they do have Britney Spears to worry about.

As usual and thankfully it is brought to us by the "alternative" media and the Mike Molloy radio show in the US.

You have to listen carefully as Mrs Bhutto is explaining who she thought was behind the first plot to kill her in September-and she names a former Pakistani intelligence officer associated with the man who murdered the reporter Daniel Pearl-and wait for it-Osama Bin Laden.

Personally I believe if you believe Bin Laden has been alive for years then you believe in fairies at the bottom of the garden.

They certainly make extraordinary mistakes but the nation that can put a man on the moon 40 years ago should have found a 6'6" Saudi clutching a portable kidney machine, a satellite telephone, Kalashnikov rifle and an old cumbersome beta max recording machine with camera and tripod travelling with a herd of donkeys to transport his recorded messages to your local Al Jazerrah outlet.

 I mean this guy is more famous than Princess Diana !

None of this of course explains why thousands of Afghans ( including Taliban members and their families) or tens of thousands of Iraqis had to die.

Naturally talk of huge gas and mineral reserves in Northern Afghanistan and the world's largest oil deposits in Iraq are passe and particularly since the elegant Brendan Nelson said the Iraq War was about oil-even I'm  confused . If Brendan says it was-it surely wasn't. Or was it?.

Also doesn't really explain why some bloke from Adelaide should get banged up for 6 years and tortured in Cuba nor what that bizarre case achieved, except for satisfying the blood lust of some very creepy people there who obviously get off on torturing and belittling their fellow man. Talk about state funded perversion ! .


Michael de Angelos: Noted.

I do not beleive it.

I saw that wretched creature Sales banging on again on the 2 news about how Hicks owed an apology. Contrary to Jenny Hume, I say this gutless country abandoned one of our own to the tender mercies of a foreign power conducting an evil and illegal war on the basis of a transparent lie that local politicians colluded with.

What Jenny, Sales and the others really reckon, I suggest, is that (having finally consulted their consciences if any of them have one ) is that it is we who owe David Hicks an apology; not any other way around.

But Jenny!

Whose intentions are honourable in Afghanistan? Ours?

Lost in all the guff is the fact that the Taliban - rightly or wrongly , love or loathe them - were the government of Afghanistan.

When the USA demanded they hand over Osama Bin Laden the Taliban demanded proof of his crimes. Surely any government is obliged to do the same.

The US refused - just demanded. The Taliban then offered to hand Bin Laden to a Muslim country for trial. The US again refused - just demanded. Then they invaded and murdered countless Afghan civilians.

And what has been achieved ?. Little as far as I can see apart from heroin production being at an all time high.

Hicks was entitled to all the protections of Australian law as a citizen. He received none. If it can be done to him it can be done to anyone - as the signs outside Yatala said :'This could have been your son'

And that was 6 years ago - just a few months ago we saw Dr Haneef incarcerated and bundled out of Australia. Something is seriously wrong.

If Hicks doesn't deserve sympathy, no-one does including me or you if it happens to us.

As for Bin Laden - he's entitled to a fair trial if he committed any crime (the world is still waiting for proof, not press releases) just as the Nazis were and received.

Invitation to the Dance

Michael de Angelos: "When the USA demanded they hand over Osama Bin Laden the Taliban demanded proof of his crimes. Surely any government is obliged to do the same."

Assuming the above claim to be true: there cannot be any serious doubt that Osama bin Laden was behind 9/11, given that he has since claimed responsibility for it via Al-Jazeera, and met (according to an Al-Quaeda video) with the 9/11 plotters before the event. Nor that the Taliban knew this at the time. Nor that the Bush administration, thick-skulled as it was, knew that they knew. By harbouring the organisation and the man responsible, the Taliban was merely one step removed from having launched the attacks on New York itself. For the US Government to accept this invitation by the Taliban to play some word games in front of the world, with the Taliban always having the last word and decision, would have been the greatest political blunder since Chamberlain's visit to Munich.

The US rightly chose not to go to the Taliban cap in hand and lay out its evidence and case, because it knew what the outcome would be: a farce that could only benefit the jihadists. So it hit the Taliban's ball out of the court, and played the match using other means.

At the time of 9/11 a lot of pundits opined that the US was powerless to respond in any real way. Bush avoided that trap, but fell into another by choosing to fight on two fronts simultaneously. The argument about who should have done what and when is a long one, and figures in much of the Webdiary archive since the very beginning of this website.

To put it briefly, I do not sympathise with Islamic fundamentalism and the jihadists, and believe that their frenzied hostility to modernity is the key to the best means of defeating them. I also believe that in such circumstances one should follow the dictum of Mao: oppose what the enemy supports, and support what the enemy opposes. Above all, don't do what they want you to do.

Best means of defeating them?

Ian, you may have shared this before (I've not seen it), but would you please expand on your proposition that "their frenzied hostility to modernity is the key to the best means of defeating them"? What does that entail?

The Best Means of Defeating the Jihadists

Craig Rowley, first, I strongly recommend Karen Armstrong, Islam - a Short History, Phoenix, London, 2001. I found it to be excellent.

Adherents of all faiths are usually required to practise its prescriptions and observances all the time, not just on certain days, and Islam is no exception. Arguably, Islam is the Muslim's life, 24/7. The very word Islam means both 'peace' and 'submission', and peace through submission just about sums it up. The Koran contains not just guidance for the Muslim individual, but also the family and beyond that the nation: which is why so many devout Muslims favour an Islamic state under Sharia law. There is a certain security for the conformist in a totalitarian society.

The Shia/Sunni divide in Islam parallels the Catholic/Protestant divide in Christianity as it was shortly after the Christian Reformation: that is, during the European religious wars. It absorbs a lot of Muslim energy. But unfortunately, the Muslim world has never had the two developments that enabled European culture to surge ahead and come to world dominance: a Reformation, and most important, an Enlightenment.

Luther attacked the centralised Catholic Church of his time not simply for its corruption, but for its departure from scriptural directives. The Christian Bible it seems is amenable to a wider variety of interpretations by its followers than is the Koran. So I see little hope for a reformation in Islam along parallel lines to the Christian one. Muslims it appears have to base an Enlightenment on an unreformed Islam.

There is a fight for liberalism, and the values supported by Tom Paine and other prominent Enlightenment thinkers, going on in the Muslim world, and particularly in the Muslim communities in the West. This basic battle over the rights of the individual, whether male or female, is where the Islamic fundamentalists take a most reactionary position. Their 'Great Satan' is the United States, and everything it stands for. Their hostility to American and Western liberalism and its variegated ways leads them into its exact opposite: opposing education for women, free access of all to ideas and cultural experiences, and seeking the Talibanisation of life. Above all, opposing the right to renounce Islam itself and become an 'apostate', the penalty for which under Sharia law is death.

The assassination of Benazir Bhutto and the persecution of Ayaan Hirsi Ali should in my opinion both be seen in the light of the above. Because of their anti-Americanism, this has brought the militant Muslims the support as well of the most reactionary and brain-dead sections of the western left.

Where (particularly young) Muslims clash with Islamic fundamentalists and conservatives in western communities, they should be supported. Not opposed on 'multiculturalist' grounds. So for example, those Muslim parents who wanted to withdraw their children from a school in Victoria to save them from the danger of being taught music should be opposed, and not allowed to get away with it.

Muslims have come to the west in large numbers as economic migrants. The second and third generations will probably carry western enlightenment values back to the parent countries in their travels. I see that as the biggest hope for a Muslim Enlightenment.

That is the short answer to your question. Hope its enough.

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