Published on Webdiary - Founded and Inspired by Margo Kingston (/cms)

How to Comment

By admin
Created 15/06/2006 - 09:33

You will not be able to post a comment unless you are registered with Webdiary [0]

Posting comments

Once you are logged in, you get to the comment submission boxes by clicking on any "add new comment" or "reply" button - using the "reply" button means that your comment will be listed below the one it replies to for anyone who has selected the "Threaded comments" option. If you are not logged in, you cannot comment, and choices of layout do not operate.

Webdiary has developed some conventions over time:

For some background detail on what is acceptable in posting comments see: Editorial Policy [0], plus also the articles and debate on them at Comment Moderation [0] and Online abuse: making the case for civility [0]. In particular, note that we are currently restricting comments to no more than 5 per day [0] from any one 'diarist.

Using the comments box features.

Note that the comments box features do not work in all browsers, for reasons that are unclear: if they do work, there will be a line of icons above the box, whose purpose is described below ... 

Select and highlight any text then click on the corresponding icon from the menu along the top of the box to:

To remove formatting, highlight the text and either:

Three more icons:

Tips for links:

  1. If you are formatting as you go, before adding a hyperlink, leave a space to return to normal text after the words you are linking or further words become part of the link.
  2. if you are copying a url into the box, make sure that you do not have extra spaces: in particular, if there is a space before the "http://", then the link will not work (for the technically minded, it will actually create a link within the site, with the form "webdiary.com.au/cms/?q=%20htttp://yourURL"- where the %20 is the space ...)

Some further notes:

Also note that, if you haven't spell-checked and reread the post to check punctuation etc, and if the result needs too much work to be made readable by others, the comment won't be published.

Source URL: