Webdiary - Independent, Ethical, Accountable and Transparent | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Jozef Imrich's blogSubmitted by Jozef Imrich on November 11, 2005 - 9:30pm.
|| Long wait for suspects || The PM and sedition laws || 'Suspect' flees || Snooping potentially limits innovation || Blair's defeat - BBC links selection || [ category: ]
Submitted by Jozef Imrich on November 11, 2005 - 12:57am.
|| Police did not rely on new laws, say lawyers || Muslims seek protection from 'rednecks' || Citizenship and visa reviews || Azahari dead? || The collapse of Teflon Tony || Headline offensive? - what do you think. || [ category: ]
Submitted by Jozef Imrich on November 10, 2005 - 1:30am.
|| The laws are adequate || Commissioner feared media tipped off suspects || Man in Australian raids allegedly seeking revenge for Iraq || Aussies schooled by al-Qa'ida || No Commonwealth Games link in terror raids || Political espionage Court hears of plot 'to leak policy' || Parliamentry Library international terrorism law links... || [ category: ]
Submitted by Jozef Imrich on November 9, 2005 - 12:58am.
|| Raids in Sydney and Melbourne - fifteen arrested || Costello links raid to law changes || Army to have shoot-to-kill powers during Commonwealth Games || Blair accepts defeat over plan to hold terror suspects || US Senators question 'aggressive' FBI actions under Patriot Act || [ category: ]
Submitted by Jozef Imrich on November 8, 2005 - 12:22am.
NB: THE SENATE INQUIRY INTO THE TERROR LAWS IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS. SUBMISSIONS CLOSE ON NOVEMBER 11. || Beware alarmist rubbish, says Beattie || Police track 'terror plotters' || Terror plotters may stay free || Sedition laws need the chop, say MPs || Sedition gag is no joke, say satirists || Five years in jail for reporting the truth || Top lawyer damns 'unfair' terror laws || Plan to fast-track troops on streets || plus photos from the weekend rallies... [ category: ]
Submitted by Jozef Imrich on November 5, 2005 - 1:15am.
Parliament releases Anti-Terrorism Bill 2005 (Cth) and Anti-Terrorism Bill 2005 No 2 (Cth) - links here to speeches, ammendments and Bills Digest. || Howard in hot water over revealing operation. || NZ PM Helen Clarke - Australian officials have confirmed that there is no imminent threat of terrorist attacks. || Senior analyst says not conspiracy but believes Howard briefed earlier than Monday. || [ category: ]
Submitted by Jozef Imrich on November 5, 2005 - 1:15am.
Parliament releases Anti-Terrorism Bill 2005 (Cth) and Anti-Terrorism Bill 2005 No 2 (Cth) - links here to speeches, amendments and Bills Digest. || Howard in hot water over revealing operation. || NZ PM Helen Clarke - Australian officials have confirmed that there is no imminent threat of terrorist attacks. || Senior analyst says not conspiracy but believes Howard briefed earlier than Monday. || [ category: ]
Submitted by Jozef Imrich on November 4, 2005 - 1:41am.
True test is just around the corner [ category: ]
Submitted by Jozef Imrich on November 3, 2005 - 6:00am.
Late addition - Legal profession opposes Anti-Terror Bill and provides SUMMARY OF KEY MEASURES TO GIVE TO FRIENDS AND INTERESTED CITIZENS Stanhope excluded. ASIO warns of attack but no increase in alert and more... Change of venue for HEROC Darwin forum tomorrow with John von Doussa. [ category: ]
Submitted by Jozef Imrich on November 3, 2005 - 6:00am.
Late addition - Legal profession opposes Anti-Terror Bill and provides SUMMARY OF KEY MEASURES TO GIVE TO FRIENDS AND INTERESTED CITIZENS Stanhope excluded. ASIO warns of attack but no increase in alert and more... Change of venue for HEROC Darwin forum tomorrow with John von Doussa. [ category: ]
Submitted by Jozef Imrich on November 2, 2005 - 3:01am.
Updated resources from the Federal Parliamentary Library [ category: ]
Submitted by Jozef Imrich on November 1, 2005 - 1:32am.
More links and updates - national and interrnational. [ category: ]
Submitted by Jozef Imrich on October 29, 2005 - 2:37am.
The introduction of the Bill has been delayed. Today's update includes a press release from Jon Stanhope, and links to further legal opinion commissioned by the Chief Minister, plus reportage on issues that may become illegal to report in a few short days or weeks. [ category: ]
Submitted by Jozef Imrich on October 27, 2005 - 2:34pm.
More links and updates - national and international. [ category: ]
Submitted by Jozef Imrich on October 26, 2005 - 11:41pm.
Seditious opinion? Lock 'em up [ category: ]
Submitted by Jozef Imrich on October 25, 2005 - 10:09pm.
How Democracies Fight Terrorism War of words over shoot-to-kill [ category: ]
Submitted by Jozef Imrich on October 25, 2005 - 2:45am.
"Under totalitarian regimes, be it Stalinism, Hitlerism or whatever -ism, the code for blind obedience tends to rule. So when my sister Margita failed to follow the code of blind obedience and attended church services in 1979 she was sacked from her teaching post and forced to work in a railway yard. What is perplexing about the communist experience is how so many well-intentioned and apparently decent people could have participated in and defended a movement that directly led to the deaths of millions, and suffering, hardship and lack of freedom for many millions more. It is, in a sense, the key issue of our sad 20th century." Jozef Imrich [ category: ]
Submitted by Jozef Imrich on October 22, 2005 - 12:36am.
On Thursday, we began a series of links updates on anti-terrorism issues both here and abroad. Today's list has been collected with thanks again to Webdiarist and Media Dragon blogger Jozef Imrich and Webdiary contributors. Keep sending them in. AustraliaA betrayal of trust and liberty [ category: ]
Submitted by Jozef Imrich on October 21, 2005 - 3:51am.
This is the first of a regular, daily if possible, summary of some of the recent media on the introduction of anti-terrorism laws both here and abroad. Included are some that date back to 2002 when these laws began surfacing in our 21stC Western world. If you find a link or an article for or against the new laws, please send it in and we will add it to the list each day. Post reviews and comments on what you read. [ category: ]
Submitted by Jozef Imrich on October 5, 2005 - 3:42am.
Historically, journalists have been charged with informing the democracy. But their future will depend not on only how well they inform but how well they encourage and enable conversations with citizens. That is the challenge. Websites like Webdiary understand the importance of Dan Gillmor’s basic premise: "My readers know more than I do - and that's an opportunity." The ability of anyone to make the news has given new voice to people who used to feel voiceless—and whose words we need to hear. According to Dan, webdiarists and citizen journalists are "showing all of us—citizen, journalist, newsmaker—new ways of talking, of learning. In the end, they may help spark a renaissance of the notion, now threatened, of a truly informed citizenry." Jozef Imrich [ category: ]
Submitted by Jozef Imrich on August 22, 2005 - 10:45pm.
Those who profess to favour freedom, and yet deprecate agitation, are people who want crops without ploughing up the ground. They want rain without thunder and lightning and they want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters:
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