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Archive - Aug 18, 2008

Submitted by Richard Tonkin on August 18, 2008 - 9:51pm.
Pakistan's President Musharraf resigns
From the beginning, I wanted to create a reconciliatory atmosphere in Pakistan's politics on a personal and institutional level. I talked about the three-phase transition to democracy in Pakistan. The third phase was achieved last year when I doffed my uniform and held free and fair elections in Pakistan. After the elections, people had hopes from their leaders in the government.
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Submitted by Richard Tonkin on August 18, 2008 - 9:57am.
Halliburton's secret deal for Iraq's oil
Indeed, Texans wearing KBR baseball caps are arriving by the planeload at Kuwait's airport. Some will support the military directly--KBR employees already handle the meal service, laundry, and garbage pickup for several military camps in Kuwait and will do the same as U.S. units establish bases in Iraq. But after the war most hope to be involved in the multibillion-dollar task of rebuilding Iraq: its roads, electrical grid, water supply, ports, airports, and, most important, oil facilities.
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Submitted by Marilyn Shepherd on August 18, 2008 - 12:01am.
Unaccompanied minors
It’s an irony that Australian law provides for mandatory reporting of suspected child abuse by professionals – and mandatory locking up of child asylum seekers. We call both these practices government policy. One protects, the other destroys. (Jacquie Everitt)
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Margo Kingston

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