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Archive - Sep 2007

Submitted by admin on September 9, 2007 - 5:55pm.
NHJ cover
NHJ cover
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Submitted by Margo Kingston on September 9, 2007 - 10:39am.
APEC protests: LibLab presents our very own police state
The APEC thuggery results from a Labor and Liberal conspiracy to destroy our civil liberties and give police untrammelled power to serve political ends. I've been warning of this on Webdiary for many years. We saw with Haneef that now, police and/or government lawyers are prepared to lie under oath to the Courts to get their way. And the NSW Labor Government's disgrace started long before Iemma.Have a look at the start of the rot, under Bob Carr, in 2002, when Howard was revving up his 'terror' laws.
Submitted by Margo Kingston on September 9, 2007 - 8:45am.
Is Howard a coward?
On August 3, Penguin's publisher Bob Sessions rang me with a shock request - could I update Not Happy, John! in three weeks? Huh? I said I could if my old Webdiary friend and collaborator Jack Robertson  agreed to come on board. He did, and the book goes to the printer this week. So, it's hardly in my personal interest for Howard to resign before the election. The book is a critique of his government, sure, but John Howard is the symbol of that government. And then there's the title! My guess is that he'll stay on. What's yours?
Submitted by David Davis on September 8, 2007 - 9:30pm.
APEC protests: David's bad day
Later I saw another old lady asking police if she could go to David Jones.  They told her it would be always there and it would be best if she went home. Kindly old ladies being discouraged from David Jones?  That's not the Australia I grew up in!  I saw the reassuring sign that "it costs no more to shop at David Jones" but security guards blocked me from leaving via the Elizabeth Street doors.  How bizarre.
Submitted by Richard Tonkin on September 8, 2007 - 8:26pm.
APEC protests: Richard's observer's report
Then it got really ugly. The police moved into the centre of the intersection and formed an outward moving circle, forcing the protesters to the curb.  I ended up trapped amidst protesters and media, shepherded into a corner with armed and mostly unidentifiable police (many police on the day had no ID badges, and I have footage).  Nowhere to move to, and cops in riot gear moving in behind them, and the chopper overhead, I was beginning to get scared.
Submitted by PF Journey on September 8, 2007 - 12:49am.
Pandaring to the China: the mis-opportunity of APEC.
"In the 80s, my wife and I, together with our daughter, went to China to work. We particularly like Beijing. We like the atmosphere of Beijing, her people and her culture. Twenty years later, my little daughter has now married an Australian Chinese. My son is also now enrolled to study at the Fudan University in Shanghai. My youngest son, who is still in junior high school, usually he is rather naughty and does not like to do home work, but recently he has also started to learn the Chinese language." Rudd to Hu
Submitted by Margo Kingston on September 7, 2007 - 5:52pm.
Carlos: Rats leaving a sinking ship?
7 August 2005 Margo update:  Janet Albrechtsen has joined Bolt -  see 'Pass baton to Costello'. Last weekend's Newspoll was a shocker for the government, and speculation is rife that next week Howard will either call an election or stand down. The Chaser proved that the emperor has no clothes - eerily reminiscent of the Bush visit to Canberra in 2003, when security waved what looked like a camera in without a security check and the AFP dressed civilians up to look like cops. Howard is about appearances, not reality.
Submitted by David Roffey on September 5, 2007 - 12:26pm.
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Submitted by Democratic Audit on September 5, 2007 - 10:31am.
Democratic Audit Update September 2007
The latest update from the Democratic Audit program at ANU on how our democracy is working, including 'Be honest, Minister!' Restoring faith in government in Australia
Submitted by Kerryn Higgs on September 4, 2007 - 11:32am.
Economics and the Laws of Physics
Anybody who believes exponential growth can go on forever in a finite world is either a madman or an economist (Kenneth Boulding).
Submitted by Stephen Smith on September 2, 2007 - 5:29pm.
We can build you - APEC and the rise of military urbanism
It seems incongruous that constant warnings about the terrorist threat should lead to APEC staging itself in the very place most likely to be a magnet for such acts. However, APEC has good reason for not meeting on some tropical island. Far from seeking to avoid the week long APEC chaos diary, the event seems to have a fetish with securing these set pieces. As I shall argue here, APEC serves the cause of military urbanism.
Submitted by Margo Kingston on September 1, 2007 - 8:09pm.
High Court defends the right to vote
'In a landmark decision, handed down on 30 August 2007, the High Court has upheld the fundamental human right to vote, finding that the Howard Government had acted unlawfully and unconstitutionally in imposing a blanket ban denying prisoners the vote.' 
Submitted by Margo Kingston on September 1, 2007 - 11:45am.
Lib or Lab: Who will Gunns pulp this election?
Hello, and welcome to Spring! I'm finishing off my project this weekend before getting back to Webdiary, but just couldn't resist posting this transcript - an interview between Charles Wooley and the PM on the pulp mill. How tricky is this for our tricky PM?
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Margo Kingston

Margo Kingston Photo © Elaine Campaner
