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Archive - Apr 20, 2006

Submitted by Daemon Singer on April 20, 2006 - 12:05pm.
The Intrinsic Value of Humanity

"Do we add value to our lives as a Nation and as individuals by not making our shores a safe refuge from the repression of Indonesia, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Burma and any other country with a mind to manage its Nationals by the gun? Do we improve our status in the eyes of the rest of the world (except the gun-toting country these PEOPLE are running and hiding from), by rejecting out of hand, the upturned face of a frightened child, running to escape his own countries guns?" Daemon Singer

Submitted by J Bradford DeLong on April 20, 2006 - 8:32am.
Bottom Dollar

As more time passes with neither the value of the dollar declining sharply nor market forces beginning to shrink America’s current-account deficit – which may well reach $1 trillion this year – two diametrically opposed reactions are emerging. Most international finance economists are becoming increasingly frightened that a major international financial crisis could erupt. Indeed, they fear that the scale of that potential crisis is becoming larger and larger." J Bradford DeLong.

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Margo Kingston

Margo Kingston Photo © Elaine Campaner
