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Archive - Jul 6, 2005

Submitted by Craig Rowley on July 6, 2005 - 9:48am.
Delving into 'Democracy Denied' because it matters to all of us
"The Sydney Morning Herald's Gerard Ryle and Lisa Pryor have provided a series of reports in recent weeks detailing the Howard Government's deafening silence to calls from anyone outside the Party Room to do anything about many things that matter to many ordinary Australians. Ryle and Pryor's investigation into democracy denied was published just prior to the end of the old balance of power. They found that the Federal Government had not replied on time to a single public inquiry out of the 62 it has ordered in the House of Representatives since December 1998. It has given no reply at all to almost half of them." Craig Rowley
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Margo Kingston

Margo Kingston Photo © Elaine Campaner

